Newspaper Raid ILLEGAL? | Civil Rights Lawyer Explains – Everything Law and Order Blog

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27 thoughts on “Newspaper Raid ILLEGAL? | Civil Rights Lawyer Explains”
  1. I'm just surprised that Marion, KS is in the news. Marion County is within the geography I am responsible for maintenence in. It's not large. I'm just impressed the IJ picked it up. Good on them.

  2. Too many ways to get immunity that even know there clearly bad faith, none of them can be sued and you need the FBI or some other power to investigate them and remove them from power before any suit. If there is different types of immunity they all should be look over to get rid of the unnecessary, make it so immunity have more guidelines to get, and review the worst abusing of these and make them example of change by charging them with no more immunity.

  3. I'm suprised this has not happened in Floirda. The Kissimmee Target parking lot shooting, the Gov. Removing an elected prosecutor for investigating it, the disasterous Pasco County sheriff who Matt Gaetz has even asked the Gov. To remove. Not a huge fan of the press but the press is being shut out constantly in Florida when they request information.

  4. This reminds me of my local former county attorneys here in Phoenix Arizona Andrew Thomas he worked with Joe Arpaio targeted Arpaio's political opponents. He charged a county supervisor, and a judge. The charges were eventually dismissed, and he was later disbarred about the time Joe Arpaio was getting into trouble with the federal government. Most of the country knew who Joe Arpaio the sheriff was who put inmates in tents through the hottest part of the summer. The county attorney conduct was not reported outside of Arizona much was really shocking.

  5. In cases of corruption such as this there are what is called writs of mandamus quo or unto that are to be filed with the attorney general's office and the entire municipality is to be dissolved and all the property, land, buildings etc are to be returned to the people and the all positions are to be refilled and everyone removed ie judges prosecuting attorney's secretary's officers etc all removed so that the entire system can start over .. court houses have a habit of hiding these writs. The Constitution was designed in such a manner that it would protect itself and the people are to exorcize thier civil liberties with impunity and ignore any statues and edicts of law that are unconstitutional ….

  6. The legal theory of sovereign immunity for government employees was created out of thin constitutional air. There is zero textual basis for it. It is a source of endless corruption and flat out criminal activity in law enforcement.

  7. America is a primitive society. This would never happen in Canada or any other advanced country. Is this why y’all fought that independence were hundreds of years ago? To end up way less advanced than countries that didn’t? Huge mistake keeping the south.

  8. We need to make a power house out of Institute for justice by donating and raising donations. By doing this we can get lawsuits in places that people could never afford to get justice or restitution for the injustice brought against them. Then maybe get prosecution for these thug tyrant public servants.

  9. Sooo, a Judge and PD did all this because someone got a hold of a Public Record of a Crime that happened?!? Tyranny at it's best. Jail for all of them who did this….massive Conspiracy and Crimes against citizens.

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