Nikolas Cruz sentenced; Weinstein’s trial; Alex Jones’ nearly $1 billion verdict – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Imran Ansari joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss Nikolas Cruz being spared the death penalty, the sexual assault trials of Harvey Weinstein and Danny Masterson, and Alex Jones’ verdict in Connecticut for his claims that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.

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Imran H. Ansari Esq.

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By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “Nikolas Cruz sentenced; Weinstein’s trial; Alex Jones’ nearly $1 billion verdict – TCD Sidebar”
  1. When people say the death penalty is archaic, I say so is murder. You dont need a new system for a cime that has been committed longer than the death penalty has been around. There was no justice with him living a life sentence in prison. He will be allowed to make friends and do drugs in prison and influence others who will be allowed back out in the world. If you watch the interigation, you'd want him dead. He loved what he did. He will be allowed to live out those memories and fantasies for life. He can encourage others in prison who are not in there for life to commit the same acts.

  2. If I was a lawyer I would have the personal integrity and ethics to decline to represent Weinstein. aI believe in representing innocent people but not absolute slime. Hollywood is full of it and someone needs to clean house. It's so gross 🤢

  3. A lot of us here in the Uk think the death penalty is unecessary in a civilised society. I’m rly surprised it still happens in the USA, almost every other civilised country has done away with it, not sure why the USA lags so far behind. It’s not saving money either as it’s more expensive to put someone to death. I’m glad nikolas got life.

  4. If you ain't getting the death penalty for,17planned deaths,you ain't getting it at all,waste of time and tax payers money, disgrace and disgusting,so you've opened the door for it to continue,😡😡😡😡

  5. Handy Sook imo had many many indicators that there was something hokey even "hoax-y" in the coverage, ensuing press conferences with the families had serious anomalies; all the so called "dupers delight" smiling faces. Several incidents of people not knowing they are on camera (yet) and then when made aware the camera is on them its instantly alligator tears and sad faces. Footage of actors hired to be dead people, injured people, heroic involved parties, heroic 1st response actors all. Seeing interview(s) where the woman (like some dead childs older sister) from Handy Sook looks remarkably congruent to the woman who's brother was killed in the Orlando nightclub. I don't know where the lines are drawn to where saying in your opinion that things don't seem to pass "the smell test," and categorically stating that it was 100% a hoax and "no one was hurt during the filming of this show."
    I mean every single airplane crash any of us has ever seen are similar in certain regards I.e. there are recognizable pieces of an aircraft strewn about. Lawn of the Pentagon? Nope. Coinciding with the coroner in Ohio saying there was no reason for him to be there because no one is dead there. Or the original footage shown repeatedly, but only on the 1st day for a few hours (until it became too obviously fake to add to the rest of the fakery) of the NOSE of the plane exiting the building after crashing at over 550 nautical miles per hour into the tower seemingly exploding into an enormous fireball. Some news anchors were saying "look how you can see the nose of the plane here…" then that quickly changed to "explosion shockwave is shaped by the aircraft nose…" to the directors saying STOP PLAYING & TALKING about the CGI glitch/error which shows the intact airplane about to exit the far side of the tower building, after passing through the steel reinforced concrete skyscraper. A personal favorite of mine is how the airplane left the shape outline on the entry point. you see where the wings slices through leaving a gaping hole and ragged rebar. (As I chuckle to myself when it conjures up childhood memories of Wil e Coyote or something similar. meep meep).

  6. I am stunned how this PR move is pathetically done. Nothing that was said gave me sympathy or anything towards Mr Weinstein. He enjoyed life to the fullest when he was a king, now it’s different. No need to call for court fairness because they are Fair in essence. He has to own his mistakes. No need to ask for compassion especially when he had none for his victims.

  7. I don’t think all mental illnesses are severe enough to warrant any leniency. Most people with mental illness or bad childhoods do not kill. People with psychopathy should never be spared because that is technically a mental illness. It’s not like schizophrenia. It can’t be treated in any way and the people with it, who are not CEO’s etc don’t deserve any compassion. If you are a psychopath or sociopath and you kill then there are only 2 ways to keep the public safe – permanent incarceration or death.

  8. You will see a lot less death penalty punishments in future because young people have google and can look up how many wrongful convictions due to corruption and coerced confessions there have been. They are also more reluctant to put a mentally I’ll person to death.

  9. If anyone is upset that he didn’t get the death penalty there are people to blame. It’s not the jurors. It’s the coward police who could have shot him if they weren’t too scared to enter the school.

  10. What a fcnkg joke to those families. Why show any compassion to such demon?
    Not a human! A DEMON.
    Hope all those who voted for his lovely future regret it every second and feel the pain that every single family has till this day for their huge loss.

    NC deserves to be punish not saved.

  11. Trials should not be determined by a Jury anymore. It's just not effective 😕 society has changed so much for the worst and social media is partly to blame. People see and hear way to much online. People have a strong opinion about everyone and everything these days. It will cost more to keep Harvey Weinstein in prison with all of his medical issues. Just costing taxpayers more money! 💰

  12. I know what Jones sat isn’t right but he have the right off the freedom of speech 🎤, right?! If he is convicted of this, than it’s blows my mind! War criminals still working in the government didn’t get any punishment, so crazy! The world upside down 🤔

  13. I dont agree that the verdict for Nikolas Cruz was suprising because research is showing that people "in general" are falling more and more out of favor for the death penalty in states that have it. There has been a steady decline in the use of it for at least a decade now.

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