Ninth Circuit Today: There’s no 2nd Amendment Outside Your Home – FIS No. 51 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Today the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued their opinion in Young v. Hawaii, holding that there’s no Second Amendment right to carry firearms outside of one’s own home, whether concealed or openly. What do you need to know, and what does this mean? I’ll take a look at the 215 page opinion.

#2ndAmendment #CCW #OpenCarry

The opinion, my highlights included, posted at the link:


21 thoughts on “Ninth Circuit Today: There’s no 2nd Amendment Outside Your Home – FIS No. 51”
  1. The 9th District has the third worst record for being overturned by the SCOTUS at around 79% of the decisions. Imagine for a moment the stare decisis' that the 9th has made. Of which none of them ever got to the SCOTUS. You have a 79% chance of being screwed by a decision that has no merit in our tenets, our Constitution and/or legislated law. Now, how can that be? How can a court structure be allowed to exist that gets it wrong 79% of the time?
    Do you see? Do you see the extent of corruption and incompetence in OUR federal government? Do you see that we the people have grounds for restoration by means, because our "checks abd balances" have all but failed. And, as a result these incompetent and/or traitorous actors persist knowing that their malfeasance is provided with impunity.
    That chump in the federal court in Hawaii, for example, who overturned President Trump's EO restricting entrance into the U.S. by people from certain countries, and, this federal judge's other rulings that equated to legislating from the bench stuck his judicial neck out. He lost in the SCOTUS decision. And to add insult to injury, the issue was a first level fundamental Constitutionally granted authority to the POTUS. Constitution 101 stuff. So, with such an epic fail in basic law, why the hell wasn't his legal head severed from his lifetime appointment and certification? Impunity. Pure and simple. Protected by the 9th and the silence of we the people. 'Yay! President Trump prevailed at the Supreme Court,' we said. And that was that. Not a single stink eye focused on this cretin and his ilk and their cancer.
    No more. We can't survive with more of the same. We can't survive by not making an example out of those complicit in this treachery.
    When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce us under absolute Despotism, it is our unalienable right, it is our unalienable duty, to throw off such a Government agency, and to provide new Guards for our future security.
    Don't even get me started on the DOJ. And, God forbid, the Legislative Branch.

  2. Education is the key. Anyone with an ounce of logic knows the amendments were for the rights of the people. We had the articles of confederation before the constitution and the constitution would not have been adopted without the amendments. Keep educating!

  3. I don't understand how or who can tell us one thing about owning keeping carring transporting or anything concerning weapons or arms! HOW DO THEY GET AROUND………SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!……….

  4. But think, the word or name "King" really means his advisors !
    "The king is known by the advisors he surrounds himself with"
    -An old saying
    So who were these advisors and what were they afraid of ?
    The same things modern lying politician scum are afraid of:
    The armed populace rising up against them for criminal and
    tyrannical acts and leaving them to swing on the trees !
    All this rigmarole is just trying to make the people fear the
    government instead of the government fearing the people.

    Imagine there´s no politicians
    It´s easy if you try:
    Swinging from lamp-posts
    And from gallows too
    Imagine all the politicians
    Swinging from the trees !

    You may say I'm a ´hater´
    Not politically correct
    I hope soon you will wake up
    And our ´hating´ will be as one.

  5. Americans have loads of guns but I guess they are
    just for looking at or because of this dumb-downing
    and constant relentless liberal indoctrination and
    gaslighting they think that guns are just for looking
    at and admiring and bragging about.
    "Guns were invented to kill and self-protection !"
    -Joe Goye

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