Ocean City’s ‘Thrill Kill’ Couple – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Ocean City’s ‘Thrill Kill’ Couple – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

From the outside, Benjamin and Erika Sifrit looked like a typical young middle-class married couple. But behind closed doors, their marriage harbored dark secrets that included drugs and an obsession with stealing Hooters memorabilia. When their vices were no longer fulfilling their needs, they turned to something more sinister – thrill killing.

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39 thoughts on “Ocean City’s ‘Thrill Kill’ Couple – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Women like Erika really scare me away from dating. We may never know what she was diagnosed but she took Xanax and drove herself crazy over her own insecurities. What’s worse is she was undoubtedly the alpha, easily made her husband do a bad thing then runs him under the bus in the end. That’s a scary female enough to stay away from the dating scene.

  2. Someone explain his military claims. I am no Navy guy, but the version I get is thaat Benjamin Aiffert was not a Navy Seal. He apparently completed BUDS training but got a dishonorable discharge from the Navy for being AWOL, insubordination, poor performance, and wearing unauthorized insignia.

  3. A lot of times people turn into killers it’s bc they were former military. It’s actually really hard to get soldiers to kill eachother. If you’re in close range the human instinct is actually not to kill. They turn people into killers psychologically hell ya drilling it into them. Then they come back home and they are deranged psychos. It’s almost always the people who seem perfect on the surface too they see the most violent

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