Officer Arrests Senior Citizen For Alleged DUI – Everything Law and Order Blog




Audit the Audit 2:

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NHTSA guidelines:

Florida statutes:

PEW research:

DUI articles:


41 thoughts on “Officer Arrests Senior Citizen For Alleged DUI”
  1. This cop was horrible he kept embellishing the facts to fit his wants. Literally no common sense. How about actually calling the witness, no one said anything about staff inside questioning her behavior or having assumptions of being under influence. He didn’t get the urgency he wanted when he initially spoke to her, because she’s 80 that’s how she is going to react along with the language barrier and cultural differences.
    Are you proud of making this arrest? I just don’t get it.

  2. 19:13

    Hasn’t told her what he’s doing
    He just grabbed her hands

    When she tries to ask what he’s doing, he tries to make his partner think she’s resisting arrest 😂

    This is elderly abuse
    What reason does he have for cuffing her? 😅 what a small dicked pussy, terrified of an old woman with an accent

  3. 18:56

    Aaaaand assault

    Why is he assaulting her during a dui test?

    He interrupted her dui test because he “isn’t going to do this anymore”

    Like a parent upset their child is taking too long to put their clothes on 😅 cop just showing how abusive he is in private – if he’s this impatient and abusive to an old lady in public ON CAMERA, can you imagine what he does when the camera isn’t on???

  4. 17:50

    And she just told you she was too tired to do the next exercise 😅
    This reminds me of the cop demanding the woman get in the cop car or she would get tazed and the woman says “I’m too fat I can’t” and the cop tazes her anyways 😂

    For those who don’t know, copd (judging by her breathing and talking, she is SOB, I’m guessing it’s copd)

    It prevents you from breathing like a normal person – you get tired more easily / quickly.

  5. 5:14

    Instantly lying for no fucking reason

    One person who left says she hit a car. Where’s the damage??? Why hasn’t the cop verified damage? What made the cop say “it’s this lady here, with the damaged car” 🤷🏾‍♀️

    Instead, the cop lies to her saying there are MULTIPLE witnesses when there isn’t even one ☝🏽

  6. Mr. Fadora was a little too much and some what rude. If he was calm and collective, his mom would've been freed alot sooner. He almost fkd everything up. Dum dum. He got lucky.

  7. Only 2m into the video and already this old lady is being an ass. But in her defense she doesn't speak much English so three a small language barrier. But regardless she's being a little nutty.

  8. This is horrendous. If the cop was really concerned about her, he would have called EMS and had her taken to the hospital. As it was, he just had his ego hurt because he perceived her as willfully disobeying him. The cop trying to play doctor saying oh it's her medication that's making her not safe to drive asking what her medications are like they have any idea!😂😂😂. The cop is willfully twisting the situation to satisfy his damaged overblown ego. I don't think more training will actually help because you can't train common sense into someone, and the police self-select people who don't have very much of it to begin with.

  9. The officer knows the old lady doesn't understand what going on.and the person that called him is not there.he is just a cop with a ego.and needs to be fired.he trying to get to the bottom of something without a witness.all the officer is doing is lying to cover his dirty ass.if the other car is gone where is the crime.We can only hope this cop get sued and fired.

  10. Also this is clearly happening at sunset. This woman complained of being tired and the officer did not care. He knows nothing about sundown syndrome… and how that might affect her ability to perform these tests

    He had no evidence that there was a car accident at all other than a missing witness complaining of one with no evidence

    For all we know, the witness saw the old headlight area and based their conclusion upon that

    But there is no other car, no other witness… I don't see anyone else being spoken to at all

    They were just bullying this woman.

    Her son gets an A+ in my book. I don't think that they were idle threats at all. It was very reasonable to suggest that he would drive her home… and not allow her to drive until she seeks further medical evaluation

  11. This is a perfect example of why they have to stop employing these people who lack total empathy or any compassion.
    This cop has no reason whatsoever to handcuff this 80 year old woman and take her to jail.
    There is no crime, yes she might not be capable of driving, but the son has told the officers he will take her home and she won’t drive, this cop has other ways of handling this.
    Why are you and this cop keep saying about her driving away, when the son told the officers she won’t be driving.
    Once again here is an officer who loves to take people to jail.
    Only for the sergeant telling him to release her , did he do what is right.
    The son is correct, why do cops escalate and attack people because of basic misdemeanors and minor offenses.

  12. Field sobriety test are a load of cr@#! I fail them all the time completely sober at home when listening to these directives. Totally sober people fail all the time! Just give them a breathalyser and a blood test! Then apologise if you’re wrong for accusing them!

  13. Did the officer really follow protocol? I genuinely question why wasn't medical services requested? When dealing with a confused elderly MOST understand there may be a medical issues occurring. Stroke, diabetic, dementia etc. Why would an arrest be the 1st resolve involved in a situation of this nature?

  14. F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F
    What the fuzk is he talking about?
    No onone is kicking, or resisting..
    Did he try and justify beating her up as well?
    She is obviously not under the influence..
    She is old, o.k.
    But, never had an accident, or a ticket, nothing..

  15. She had a stroke. I had one too. I couldn't do a field sobriety test and pass it and I don't consume booze. And I haven't driven a car since the mid-80s. And it's courtesy to cuff the elderly in front. 😞

  16. My ex was arrested for a "DUI" after an accident (which wasn't his fault) because he was out of it (he had a traumatic brain injury from the accident) and was too injured to finish the field sobriety test. They didn't even get him medical care, they gave him some ibuprofen and threw him in a cell. They didn't do breath but they did blood so he didn't get out until the next day, and was in awful condition and had to go right to the hospital. Charges got dropped when blood came back totally clean, but he's had health problems ever since that largely were exacerbated by not receiving care promptly for his injuries and also getting thrown around by the cops while being arrested (despite not resisting)

  17. Giving a grade this high when officer discretion and human decency would say "okay she's old, she shouldn't drive in this state, maybe find family to call and pick up the car," not risk her dieing in custody and hand cuffing her from behind like wtf is this country

  18. NO!!! That cop should have an F! Why? Bcuz, he could've transported her to the hospital to have her blood drawn & tested to determine her "impairment," had the car towed in the process & give her a citation to show up in court to answer to those charges & any outcome of the blood test, then allow her to be released into her son's custody! That cop didn't have to be such an ass-hat, PERIOD!
    For crying out loud she's 80yrs old, previous stroke victim, & a clean driving record!

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