Officer Gets Confuse By Citizen’s Fake Laws – Everything Law and Order Blog




Audit the Audit 2:

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This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Real World Police’s channel:


§47-1102 (38,39):


Sovereign citizens:

News 9 reports:


48 thoughts on “Officer Gets Confuse By Citizen’s Fake Laws”
  1. "I don't need a driver's license to drive." For real? If you're going to make the semantic argument, at least be smart enough to say "I don't need a license to travel." FFS…

  2. Really??? You gave them a C+ because they called him a sovereign citizen? I said to myself countless times “sovereign citizen moment” because he literally said all their talking points. I’m not convinced he isn’t a sovereign citizen and is just trying to cover it up.

  3. C- minus is very generous for someone who doesn't think they have to pay taxes for the usage and upkeep of public roads like the rest us. Additionally, driving without insurance he has the potential to leave the other parties involved in a traffic accident financially burdened as well. All the while making insurance rates go up for the rest of us.

  4. Lies to the Cops, driving without a DL or registration or ins…he gets and F-, guy uses every SovCit talking point so yeah Cop gets an A+. Walks like a duck…'s a duck trying to distance himself from the flock.

  5. Totally disagree with your grading. He wss 100% a sov cit. All sov cits claim they arent that. You cant just let these people do whatever they want, and have to cut them down at the 1st chance you get

    Try looking it up-
    Our RIGHT TO TRAVEL DIES NOT REQUIRE A LICENSE- on our own roads we paid for-
    U need a license to do commerce-

  7. For those who dont know about this, the Sovereign citizen movement is all horse crap. No judge in America has ever upheld any of their beliefs. Its not legal. It never was. Its just a way for conmen to get out of trouble. Except it never works. Literally thousands of these people have been jailed and imprisoned. Dont fall for it. Its a scam. The guy currently promoting it never graduated law school, never passed the bar exam, and never practiced law. He does however make shit tons of cash selling garbage literature and hosting seminars.

  8. Ok, the officers refused to retract themselves on the sovereign citizen label… And why is that? You are not showing that part of the video. Because he is using the same language.

    I can say I'm not conservative, and then tell you what I believe and you will clearly realize that indeed I am one.

    You get a B for this one.

  9. I work at a financial institution and someone tried paying debt with a payment coupon claiming to 'bill my social security account trust'. It took everything I had to not lose it.

  10. Everything Jackson does and says screams "sovereign citizen", but it's this huge deal that they call him one just because he says he isn't one? It's like me running a bakery where I bake every day, sell the things I bake, then I say Im not a baker and turn it into a big deal when I'm called a baker.

  11. The right to travel states that you only need a driver's license if you are using the vehicle for commerce purposes I know you can make your own plates but I'm not sure about the sticker because you have to return registration to the bmv and you need that to buy a sticker

  12. Oh please. If he walks like a duck and quacks like a duck he’s probably a duck. He recited every line from the sovereign citizen playbook. He may claim he’s not a member because of a minor disagreement with their philosophy, but for all intents his operating mode aligns with theirs.

    That’s like saying “I believe Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected and that God is omnipotent but I’m not a Christian because I don’t believe Mary was a virgin”.

  13. this is one of the few times ATA has gotten it wrong. This guy is 100% a sovereign citizen. a perfect example. there is nothing reckless at all in calling him that over the radio. that he says he isn't because he respects cops is irrelevant, a textbook example of the no true scotsman fallacy. nevermind that it's not respectful to spew transparent bullshit at people. cops should get an A here.

  14. To anyone
    Yo. I was def nervous this day but in the end big shots out to the Oklahoma Judiciary System on this matter. Say what you will about me.
    Why are we not afraid to use that RIGHT loud? If you get a ticket look it up and see what the law say. That all I did. On our court room downtown its ingraved on the wall for all to see.
    It reads
    So I did 😆 and guess what?
    They even have a huge LAW library for you to study the laws they wrote lol
    Friends if you get a ticket just look up the law.
    Audit laughed at the definitions on the back of my truck.. lol I dare him to ask me about them. He won't and guess what?
    It's his right. Friends we have more rights other than the 2nd amendment. LOOK THEM UP. you will be shocked. As for how you feel about me.
    Hey stay loud. It's your right.
    Church for president vs kanye.

  15. @audit..
    I give the video a B-.. great job sir.. well. Would you like to know the full results? You might change your thoughts about me. The laws you say I contradict are the same laws I took to court. There is no way to share with the officer the full letter of the law on the street. This is why I told the officers to take me to jail as I understood my day was to come in court. All this is in the full video. You also have no idea who I have spoke to about Oklahoma laws and how outdated or to broad they can be. I would love to share the entire journey. The unfortunate thing is nobody wants the end results unless it's jail or prison. News 9 was informed thoroughly of the entire process and results. They no longer wanted to interview me after it was over. I wonder why. But I'm crazy? I'll take that. 😉 This video is a c+ but because you searched the bottom of your soul to say few kind words I give it a B-.. You feel my thoughts on law are silly, thats kool but remember. I get a day in court and your opinion dont matter. Only law. FAIR? So lets re look at the laws you feel I made up or got wrong. Listen. The Judge is willing to hear the madness if you respect the court room and process. The Sovereign will attack the officers and the judge. The Judge allowed me to plea my case with my so called laws and with 4 charges including a felony all but 1 was dismissed or reduced. They say reduced so it wo t sound like defeat lol. Its not defeat. It taking a healthy look at the law from both sides and admitting fault. There was never a felony. Only a charge sir. Those laws I saved for court. The street is not the court room. I had my days in court and history was made. I'd love to review with you the laws you said I have completely wrong. Just because you said I'm wrong dont make you right. You said you are SURE things turned out horrible. Was that hope or because you thought my laws were off? Listen. NO debate. Just a healthy chatt lets dive into the laws you say I contradict. Lets chatt. You gave your audience a few clips and portions of law. That's like a preacher who teach from one verse and never explain the chapter.
    I still appreciate your work. I disagree with some of the video not all. I knew I had to be here 😆. Amazin work you do but I believe I can show you Lil something lol.
    My grammar is horrible but my heart is pure.. let's talk
    If not..
    C- 😆

  16. I’d give them both an F. Obviously the guy lied to try and get away with driving without a license, but the initial cop labeling him as an extremist is what got him all those extra charges.

  17. I’ve seen people with vehicles that say “Not For Hire” on the side of them for years, and always thought it was odd because they never looked like vehicles that would be “For Hire.”

    These people provide never ending entertainment and laughter.

  18. I’ve found the first video of yours with an incorrect assumption. You assume the officers wanted to believe this man was a sovereign citizen. You also seem to assume this man was telling the truth. It was not unreasonable for these officers to conclude he was a sovereign citizen.

  19. Blah blah blah yeah yeah the only mother f**** in this country that are sovereign citizens is the mother f**** pigs that wear the thin b***** ass Blue Line the desecration of the b***** ass American flag is what the police does they're all the biggest a**** games in this land that needs to be dismantled so I'm going to be the first person on here this morning to say f*** the mother f**** police in the ass

  20. I used to own a Boeing 747 and I used to fly the plane to work then back home, where I would land it down the public road outside my house. One day a cop pulls up beside me and says I need a permit, pilot licence and should not use the road to land the plane. I pointed out to the silly officer that I had put on a sign at the back of the 747 saying not for hire. He walk back saw the sign then apologised to me and we both went about our day.

  21. The man clearly was reciting the sovreign citizen script that gets thrown around by scam artists all the time, regardless of association with the actual conspiracy movement itself. The term really has come to mean anyone who recites the script and the "I'm traveling" assertion he made is a classic sovreign citizen argument. The assertion of him being a sovreign citizen is his personal beliefs and I find it unreasomable to think it had any real risk of opening a federal investigation, which I've never seen happen to people who spout the script, even aggressive and more extreme ones.

  22. Dude he meant SovCit in the slang term. Obviously he wasn't going after him to charge him because he's a SovCit. And you know damn well. These days it means your a seriously misinformed auditor that actually breaks the law to get into it with cops and judges. Jackson is 100% a SovCit. This is what they do. No license, no insurance, no registration. They travel not drive.

  23. I think you missed the mark on this one. He’s a half assed sovereign citizen is who is using the tenants of this movement that he feels applies to him in this particular situation. He even admitted he’s different the sovereign citizens because he “knows” he’s above the law where they “think” they are.

  24. I love how that Mr. Jackson says and tries to educate the officer And say that he doesn’t need this, that, and the other and then four times the narrative says Mr. Jackson has it backwards. But then give him the benefit of the doubt. But when the officer goes to radio his other back up and says that Mr. Jackson is a sovereign citizen potentially, the narrator says How reckless the officer is for saying that. But none of that even matters because if you’re going to drive with a suspended license what do you thinks gonna happen. I also love the grading system. The officer does his job correctly and Has a possibly wrong Suspicion he get to c-. Mr. Jackson lies about four different laws, and drives with a suspended license and has people in his car while he’s doing it. He gets a C+ because he might be mentally challenged and just uninformed. It’s not his fault apparently.

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