Officer Indicted For Manslaughter – Bodycam Video Just Released – Everything Law and Order Blog

Greensboro (NC) Police Officer Matthew Hamilton was indicted for manslaughter last week for the shooting of Joseph Lopez back in November of 2021. He was also fired and sued. The bodycam footage was just released. Let’s take a look and discuss the relevant law….

Lawsuit posted in full at the link:

Officer Indicted for Manslaughter – Bodycam Video Just Released


39 thoughts on “Officer Indicted For Manslaughter – Bodycam Video Just Released”
  1. Looks like to me, "Uou were not allowed to allow fear to cause hesitation. We are police, comply instantly or be prepared to die. Know your place peasant!". They forget the protect and Serve aspect. Too many have replaced that notion with "intimate to control". Not just the situation, but the citizens they are intended to IDK "serve"!

  2. Police definitely should not have 'attack dogs'. Maybe they shouldn't have guns or tasers. Maybe the hiring process should be more professional. Maybe their training and supervising should be greatly improved. Maybe many of these shouldn't be "serving and protecting".

  3. When you say a cop was "fired", it is too ambiguous. Does that mean he was just forced to leave the current force but is still a licensed cop so he could still be hired by another police department? Or, did he lose his "cop license" and can NEVER be a cop again?

  4. THEY (not WTP), THEY ALONE have quietly normalized an *our crimes are mistakes but your mistakes are crimes* policy. THEY were only able to accomplish this through Qualified Immunity. THEY HAVE EVOLVED THEIR ENTIRE SECRET SOCIETY INTO ACTUAL SOVEREIGN CITIZENS. Wide Blue Line

  5. It's amazing that this officer was indicted when there are many incidents where police much more clearly murdered civilians who were unarmed and not violent where the officers were never indicted.

  6. Possibly an accidental discharge but impossible to tell from the way you cut the video. If you expect your viewers to form a reasonable opinion you need to show the video unedited. This form of editing may be required by U Tube but i do not think it is in cases such as this. I have seen plenty of videos uncut, even a clerk in Colorado being executed with a headshot. Unedited. Are you trying to bias your viewers?

  7. JOHN BRYAN – I am just curious to know if you've ever had the opportunity or need to defend a police officer who has been charged criminally or sued civilly over a police interaction?

    I certainly appreciate your videos as it exposes bad cops but I am sure a good cop can be in legal trouble for rightfully following the law. I am pro "good" cop and I am someone who wants to abolish qualified immunity. I say these things so you understand that my question isn't a setup question or a question to write a wrongful agenda towards you. I am just curious if you've ever had to defend an innocent good cop in legal trouble?

    I truly enjoy your videos and support all that you do. Keep up the excellent work of exposing tyranny and hypocrisy in our legal/justice system. God bless 🙏🙏🙏 you

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