Officer Makes Up Laws To Enforce – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Antiquated legislation often provides officers with legal leverage to enforce unconstitutional rules and regulations, and go unchallenged in courtrooms because of the federal government’s willingness to settle outside of the courtroom.

Accountability Media’s channel:

Original video:



This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complimentary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.


47 thoughts on “Officer Makes Up Laws To Enforce”
  1. Question: If I, a civilian, make up a law—and enforce it as if I were a police officer—I am breaking an actual (serious) law. Now let’s say a police officer makes up that very same law and uses his badge to enforce that phoney law. In doing so is he not acting just as much outside his authority as a police officer, hence outside the law, as I would be in imitating one? Thus, isn’t a police officer in making up a law and using his badge to enforce it also and equally so, “pretending to be a police officer?”


    US code 18 section 241/ 242 Deprivation of rights under the color of law … You have all the right to Photograph/ videotaping on and in PUBLIC property and even the right from public film into private property., filming in government is include the 1st amendment — freedom of press .

  3. There's no obligation to tell you why you where illegal detaned and no cops dont have an obligation to help you for instince a cop could watch you get jumped and he has o obligation to help

  4. Hey, cops.

    SHUT UP!!! cops.

    Judah in the Old Testament is the Lawgiver.

    "Judah is a Lawgiver".

    God puts Judah in charge.

    So, hold your tongue! cops!

    I'm way above you cops.

    God made the law through Judah. law to restraint bad rogue bully cops for doing evil throughout the centuries and for thousands of years in Yahushua Jesus' name. Amen.

    Moses, a Lawgiver protected a Hebrew slave in Egypt when he was being abused by one of Pharaoh's taskmaster.

    Taskmaster were like prison guards or police officers then in the Old Testament.

  5. All those pigs are sacks of shit. Cops don't make the laws the judges don't make the laws the ATF doesn't make the LAW. These cops are supposed to be peace officers who uphold the constitutional rights of the citizens. Congress and the supreme courts are supposed to make the laws also in accordance to the Constitution of the United States !

  6. WHY BOTHER HAVING ANTO PHOTOGRAPHY RULES? this is only an entrance to the base, and is in public view.
    So, all anyone would need to do is set their phone camera on video recorder mode, put it in a shirt pocket with the lens "peeking" over the top of the picket, and then walk around.
    By doing this, one will get detailed video footage without anyone on the base ever knowing.

  7. 18 U.S. Code § 795 – Photographing and sketching defense installations – Did the dip stick contact the military base commander in writing or phone call asking for permission. Obviously NO. Did the dip stick do any prior investigative research to see if this base was covered under the law – again NO. Therefore until so authorized this intelligent turds day is done. Again you audit pee brains clearly do not know the laws.

  8. Why cant he press charges and have the officers immediately arrested for assault, kidnappimg, illegal detainment, and deprication of liberty. The citiznes always have to work it out in court while the cops hold court on thenstreet and wlak away scott free. If they ended up in cuffs this shit would stop.

  9. The officers faild to know,
    I Am prior military and received a little bit of military police training (required for most Navy personnel)
    Military bases own a very large part of land out side of the fencing and maintain side walks and some roads.
    It is sudo public however military base police do have the authority to trust pass anyone near or around the base for this reason.
    it is technically filming from the property of the military base, however military bases are set up in a way that anything they don't want filmed cant be seen from
    Side walks or satellite (the military modify google maps) Google maps can not submit pictures of military bases with out going through the base itself.
    there are specially trained individuals on most bases to handle things like this so that it is normaly 2 or 3 day turn around for google to get the info / pictures back.
    (This is my understanding of it, to prevent things like this from happening)

  10. As ex-military… these dopes are ridiculous. There's absolutely nothing happening at a gate that should be anything but public. The very idea is sheer idiocy. First, there should be no secrets about behavior and ops at gates. Second, if anyone wanted to monitor a military gate from public 24/7 in HD with 18 angles and infrared… there's fvckall anyone could do to stop them. HD cameras can be the size of a pea and hidden in almost anything anywhere anywhen. People up to no good don't walk up to gates, camera in hand, standing there recording. And we all know this. Let's stop pretending anyone in this situation cares even a little about real security.

  11. "LEOs are not required by law to tell you why you are being detained". Let's think about this one a bit. Police frequently, obsessively investigate events/people they think are "suspicious" even when no law violation and no PC exists. They often take these investigations insanely far on the pure basis of "suspicious". Let's apply their standard to their behavior. Let's consider a routine traffic stop. Officer says person was speeding or whatever. Doesn't call for backup, doesn't search for weapons, doesn't ask to search, doesn't do anything suggesting they think there's a more serious crime afoot. The citizen thinks the stop is BS and fishing and doesn't answer questions. Asks if they can go, and when they can't, ask the office about their articulable suspicion. Now the officer isn't required by law to answer. They're not breaking the law; but the question is, is it SUSPICIOUS? Is is suspicious for a public servant on stop they themselves identified as routine traffic stop… when asked, to refuse to answer this basic question? Seems to me that it is extremely suspicious. That no public safety or justice goal is being served. Seems to me, by police logic, these cops acting very strangely, very suspiciously, ought to be investigated by IA or by the FBI as they are ones who investigate corruption etc.,

  12. Nothing but typical cop lies intended to coerce and intimidate. You'd expect more from our military but is guess corrupt cop are everywhere. Continue to expose and sue these cowards who insist on hiding behind their tin badges.

  13. I'm never on the side of people just trying to harras officers. The guy obviously just went to record to get a reaction. Be sensible, it's an entrance to a military installation, as a war vet I agree… don;t record.

  14. NOB relations state anyone can take pics of videos of the base, it is base personnel to cover or hide anything they don't want filmed. Access points included, you are not to interfere with them. I know because I was a MAA that stood nuclear gate guard at NNSY.

  15. Whilst you may have rights. Photographing militarily checkpoints is just stupid.
    Dangerous countries can use this information for spying etc.

    In the UK it is forbidden and may well lead to prosecution. Something I totally agree with.

  16. I'm not sure why people stand there and film buildings but it should no way warrant any police harassment. But we are in a police state now. They also shouldn't talk so much and just file lawsuits.

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