Officer Safety VS Puppy – Can they be sued? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Police officer bodycam footage from the Loveland Police Department shows an all-to-frequent occurrence, this time involving a couple’s 14 month old dog, which unfortunately is no longer with us. After the incident a supervisor arrived, and allegedly said to write a ticket, because the couple was going to the media.

Did this look reasonable to you?

What is the law in these type of situations?


32 thoughts on “Officer Safety VS Puppy – Can they be sued?”
  1. This piece of rubbish cop has the audacity to tell her to stay away from her dog that was just shot because he fares the dog is going to bite its own owner. He has no idea about dogs. This is freaking excruciating.

  2. Fucking coward if I pulled a gun out and shot somebody's dog anywhere I'd be charged reckless endangerment shooting a gun inside for the limit the list or go on who the fuck do you think you are coward?

  3. This BULLSHIT must stop!!!! You can see that the dog clearly wasn't aggressive, not only that, when a cop pulls up and sees strange dogs, then he should have stayed in his car first until he made contact with the owners to make sure the dogs weren't aggressive, he did none of that!!! You can clearly see the cop straight pulled out his gun as soon as he seen the dog playing around!

    These scared pigs shouldn't be working and the police department if they can't handle their job, if they're going to be afraid of being bitten by friendly dogs, and if they're going to be afraid of what somebody might do to them, then find a better job that you won't be scared doing!!!!!

    Another thing, if the property owner was watching the cameras, then he would have seen that the guy wasn't loading nothing up that belong to him that it was in his truck!

  4. all of you need to be thinking this…… irresponsible pet owners! my heart hurts for this lady, but who's fault is it? what does this dog look like? what did the dog run up to?

  5. I have noticed many police are encountering and experiencing firearms, dogs etc when they become police. I mean like no experience with not even a daisy red Ryder which are excellent. Clearly this guy has never experienced a dog before. I could see it was a happy go lucky puppy within seconds. I have noticed that a lot of police have these weird backgrounds. Some have military but that doesn’t mean they will handle a lot of firearms depending on what they do. You can always count on the police to be totally unsafe with firearms

  6. Cop says dont tell me how to do my job after shooting there dog??? And then tries to convince the owner the dog is going to bite her and it is too late to do anything…this man is just gross…

  7. Wieder einmal ein schießwütiger Sonderschüler in US Polizeiuniform. Sitzt den ganzen Tag im Auto und hat dementsprechende Langeweile und nimmt jede Gelegenheit war, um herum zu ballern.
    Wenn sich solche Polizisten so etwas in Deutschland erlauben würden, wären sie schnell im Innendienst zu Klo reinigen eingeteilt.
    Und ein muss ist immer die bekannte Wegelagerei der Polizisten, die im Polizeibezirk die einigenen Hilfsschüler ständig anhält, Geld über Strafmandate einzubehalten.
    Die Deutsche Polizei wird aus der Staatskasse der Länder bezahlt. Alles Strafmandate gehen hier in den öffentlichen Hausgeld der Städte und Landkreise und werden im jährlich Haushalt verwendet. Hierzulande verdient auch ein Oberwachmeister (nicht zu vergleichen mit der 3-monatigen Ausbildung der US-Hilfsschüler) keine 100.000EUR/anno, viellieicht je nach Familienstatus 1/3 davon.

  8. Not sure why after all these videos of Police Officers committing horrible things to US Citizens. Why we continue to listen and obey our government and these THUGS. POLICE are the exact same as a criminal organization running around committing crimes against us and calling it for our own safety. Here you have a POS Officer with a gun that's aloud to shoot and kill. Then say it was going to bite him. Defund the police

  9. 📬 ~ How is it possible that mailmen are able to work six a days a week with aggressive dogs without carrying a gun? Oh, because they’re not cowards that shoot at the smallest amount of fear.

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