Officers Convince Citizen To Obey Their Commands – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Officers often disguise informal requests as lawful orders and use fear tactics to justify their actions. This video offers advice on how to combat officer silence and unlawful orders.

Original video:

Jeremy’s Channel:

Policy video:


This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complimentary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.


43 thoughts on “Officers Convince Citizen To Obey Their Commands”
  1. This “Aditor” is the shit side of the “freedom” that we all have.

    He watched a YT vid and went there to mess with officers. Not educated. Not cool. That’s like blasting music in your neighborhood cause you can just to piss off neighbors cause it’s day time and you can. This dude is garbage.

  2. Why so this fool laogjing at? He thinks it’s funny that his ignorance allowed the police to violate him and then he gave permission; giving up his right and thinking that he was being violated AFTER he loss his right by giving said permission. Moron auditor.

  3. I don’t get why these cops keep approaching these first amendment auditors and have the nerve to say they are in fear. If they were truly in fear, they should sit from afar and watch the man or woman for a minute and see what their true intentions are because if their intentions are malicious once you show up on scene, they might backpedal then.

  4. Seriously, A C+ ??? Overall YOU get an F at grading. That cop was a piece of 🗑️ and basically threatened a law abiding citizen. Didn’t you hear how he called him by his entire name? Do you think that was normal? Nooo, he was basically letting the man know. They know who he is. That was a clear threat.

  5. Not sure why you're laughing..
    But dude you're playing a dangerous game..
    Nothing about this situation is funny..
    Why would you walk on police property with a handgun…
    They already act crazy when we got phones
    Why even play this kind of game..
    People be looking for trouble…

  6. You know, you always comment about how auditors shouldn't confront the officers about what is right and wrong during the incident and settle it in a court of law, but you you gave the auditor a lower grade because he was coerced into giving in to the police. He should have been given a higher grade because he did not escalate the situation but pretty much stood his ground.

  7. I'd be all in favour of citizens recording actual police work (traffic stops, etc) but so many of these 'audits' involve people deliberately doing these things, such as filming police stations, car parks, etc. to provoke a reaction and I am of the opinion that this is 'reality' tv without being reality.

  8. I'm already laughing because the chubby cameraman has a firearm…you 'merkins and your weapons. Bang bang! It seems to me that his intent to carry the weapon within the boundary of a police building was to provoke a reaction for the sake of his online activity. Right about now I'll offer up a 'f*ck you' to that. Poke a bear and get bit or tiptoe past.

  9. If someone is gonna shoot people they aren't gonna announce their presence or wait to be surrounded. The cops reasoning at this point is false otherwise they would have this guy at gunpoint because they legit fear for their lives

  10. "So just to be clear, this is private property?" – "You pay taxes here?" – "Yes" – "…put your gun up"
    He wasn't operating under the misconception that cities operate as private entities as ATA suggested. He knew damned well it was a lie. That's why he didn't answer the clarification. Police aren't as misinformed as people claim, they just say what they will to get their way

  11. He should not have allowed the officer to remove his weapon. Statistically you're more likely to be killed by a cop than a cop is to be killed by you.. So the guy should have asked the cops to disarm themselves if they wanted him to be disarmed. It's only fair.

  12. The whole "you don't actually pay taxes in town X if you live in town Y" argument is such a misnomer. You probably also don't directly pay taxes for the roads in town X, but you still have all the same rights as someone who does. Plus, the way city, county, state and federal budgets are determined, chances are some tax money the citizen paid somewhere DID end up back at the other town's police force (or roads) due to the commingling of funds. The budgets are EVERYBODY'S tax dollars, not just this guy's, and therefore he can still say his tax dollars went to town X's services and be correct.

  13. "How many cops it takes for a public photographer" – reminds me of the old school offensive jokes, "how many Polish (or any other ethnicity a racist feels is inferior) people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" [answer 100, 99 to turn the house around and 1 to hold the bulb in place]

  14. Why does he think it's funny or "crazy" if the cops follow him around but not if he follows them around or follows people around a library or post office or whatever else these frauditors audit? I wish more cops and employees of various businesses would do this to frauditors. Just hover around them and watch them closely all the time they are there, without engaging with them. That's one thing that seems to annoy them the most since they don't get the result/reaction they are looking for.

  15. Couldn't the same argument be made to the Sergeant about someone rolling up on a person while wearing a gun? When cops roll up on someone, that person generally doesn't know the officers/deputies/troopers and definitely don't know their intentions.

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