Officers Correct Rookie After ID Refusal – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Raul Delacruz’s channel:


Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act-

People v. Wheeler-

People v. Stout-

California Correctable Violations-

Beaman v. Freesmeyer-

Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada-
725 ILCS 5/107-14-

People v. Fernandez-

United States v. Landeros-


41 thoughts on “Officers Correct Rookie After ID Refusal”
  1. Lesson. Never talk to cops. They are definitely your enemy, not your friend. Beware their deadly force and sometimes their dishonourable intent. It's all about badly trained people who crave power and then get a weapon. It takes longer to train as a beautician than it does to become a cop in a clown costume .G'DAY FROM AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺.

  2. Had car impounded less than a week after a fix it. My title, registration and plates had been stolen, and that theft had been reported to Monterey County sheriff. I was waiting for the title to arrive. I showed the fixit, and the report of theft. Sheriff YANKED THE KEYS OUT OF MY HAND (you don't need keys to tow a car), RUMMAGED THROUGH MY THINGS, TOSSED MY COMPUTER AND OTHER BELONGINGS ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, ASKED IF I WANTED MY BACK PACK BECAUSE IT WOULD BE EASIER TO CARRY–INDICATI NG HIS INTENTION ALL ALONG WAS TO STRAND ME AND MY SERVICE ANIMAL ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND CONFISCATE EVERYTHING I OWNED. My terrified cat ran away. I ended up having a mental breakdown and ending up suicidal in a San Jose psych ward, where an administrative law judge in SAN JOSE told me, "Carmel doesn't like homeless people." I still cry every day over the loss of Mrs. Jones. I have brain injury and am on disability. All my insurance, identity and credit cards were in that car, along with my birth certificate. All my clothes. My computer. My manuscripts. The ashes of my previous cat. A music box my grandpa made me. My cameras. My iPad. They wouldn't tell me where they were taking it. I received no notices where it was. And would discover a year later that someone had changed my address, and all my mail was being sent to my dementimg mother in LA. She confessed to throwing most of my mail out instead of returning it to sender. Or calling or emailing me. I have anterograde amnesia. I can't even remember what cards I had, but my reputation and credit are destroyed.

    This happened outside Clint Eastwood's restaurant and I have good reason and witnesses suggesting he's the instigator. But that's a story for the lawyers. If I can find one.

    Right now I'm in seclusion, have endured false arrest and imprisonment, and have attempted to take my own life I'm in such grief and despair. I can't even remember my own email address or phone number.

    If I figure those out, I'll post again. Maybe someone can help me find a lawyer. Thanks for reading.

  3. During a traffic stop officers r allowed to detain and frisk everyone in the vehicle regardless of who was driving. It is there for a reason, to make sure no one has any weapons that could harm themselves, the officers during the traffic stop or the safety of the general public.

    As for an actual search they could do anything from going through ur pockets or ur person. In the video I didn’t see if he went through his pockets but again the whole idea of a stop and frisk is to remove potential weapons from a person. If they were to have found drugs during the frisk and arrest him for that, a court would likely find that to be an illegal search and a violation of the 4th amendment. Ik in the video it seemed like the officer only patted down his pockets and didn’t take out anything like a wallet or phone, if they would’ve taken out the wallet they would’ve also had his ID, but again that would be considered a illegal search and seizure I believe. Regardless it is important to know what state you are in and if you have stop and identify yourself during a terry stop. The law constantly changes so it’s hard to stay up to date but u can look up upcoming bills that your providence will pass and when it will take in effect.
    Personally I feel that the officer didn’t do anything wrong besides being a wee bit pushy on the weed bullshit and saying the smell of weed to search the car, but again as Audit the Audit mentioned at the end of the video about intoxicated drivers.
    In sum don’t have drugs in the car and if you do have them not easily accessible if you are the driver, just put it in the trunk away from the driver and don’t “shit where u sleep” = don’t smoke in ur car

  4. I walked up and ask a cop to see his ID once just for a joke " I never was to Brite "but he insisted I look at it and I did , he said or did nothing to me afterwards , but don't think I will do it again, never know I love to mess with cops , was at wal mart with my wife and cop was walking up i hurried up to him and said this women has been following me all day, thought he just laugh and see the joke , he grabs her by the arm and asks what's her damn problem, yea I had , well made ass of myself trying to explain , well she had been following me all day , but it wasn't a problem, he didn't laugh, I just spent so many years hiding from cops being on the run , so many warrants , stop reporting to parole officer now my slate is clean time all behind me no paper , time to play

  5. lol," remained relatively rude and hostile throughout the encounter ". If that's the level for being rude and hostile almost every single auditor i've watched on this channel easily meets that standard.

    While it's obvious that this officer was in the wrong and relatively green (he exudes fresh off of probation and ready to stop every car he sees) I wouldn't say he was rude and hostile and as I said if that's the standard almost every auditor that receives an "A" easily hits that mark.

  6. Ngl I feel like the ppl escalated the situation for no reason, all they had to say was they already got a ticket, not saying the officer didn't do anything wrong it's just that I feel they kinda escalated it a bit

  7. Requiring a suspect or anyone for that matter, to identify themself or anyone else for any reason, is unlawful.
    Law enforcement can ask and investigate, afterall, they are paid to do so. However, nobody is required to answer any questions. Afterall, nobody is paid to do so.
    People have the right not to be compelled in any criminal case to be witness against himself. The laws prohibits states from taking identification papers without a warrant, supported by Oath or affirmation. The laws says that state's are prohibited from making or enforcing any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of a citizen of the U.S. Not to mention that involuntary servitude is to be non-existentant in the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction, unless as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.

    Failing to identify is not a crime. However, falsely identifying is. Failure to identify is not obstructing in an officer. However, falsely identifying or stopping a law enforcement officer from asking questions is. Not answering questions does not stop an officer from asking questions.

  8. Willingly registering a car as a motor vehicle, or a device used to transport persons or property, always opens up bullcrap like this. Since the car is a motor vehicle, evidenced by being registered as such, it means that the car can't dark tint if the legislature makes a law that prohibits dark tint.

    If the car isn't registered or used to transport persons or property, then it isn't a motor vehicle, and therefore not under tint regulations of a motor vehicle.

  9. And all that you said no the only way you get your tickets signed off if you go to a highway patrol here in California the others will just tell you the same go to the highway patrol office to get it signed off

  10. I don’t know if it’s common, but I got a fix it ticket here in Michigan for an expired tab. My son was driving my car for a couple years and when I took over my car again I wasn’t aware he didn’t update the tag as necessary. So the officer told me get updated tag and bring it to court. I did and she tore up the ticket.

  11. You know, with literally thousands upon thousands of videos like this out there you’d think cops would have figured out by now to just leave these people alone so they don’t look like such c*nts on social and main stream media. But nope, their egos are so big, they are so ingrained in the “I’m a cop you must obey me” mentality that they’d rather indulge an over inflated ego with a false sense of authority over citizens that they’d rather look like the looney toons bus overturned at the police station than to just walk away from a losing battle.

  12. its amazing how the criminal justice system has just become a way for the state to racketeer try to find excuses to force people to give them money over whatever bullshit they can find

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