Officers Detain Lawyer On His Own Property – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video and WPD statement:



Ohio Rev. Code § 2921.29-

Ohio Rev. Code § 3767.32-

Rodriguez v. United States-

Berkemer v. McCarty-

OAG Law Enforcement Bulletin-

Westerville Zoning Map-

Westerville Ord. § 1162.04-

Ohio Rev. Code § 5321.04-

The Commercial Leasing Process-


44 thoughts on “Officers Detain Lawyer On His Own Property”
  1. That lawyer is just another race baiter
    It was the erroneous call that was ‘racist’ at best
    It was the officers being misinformed that gave this loser an excuse to act out his pathetic second agenda
    Race had nothing to do with it

  2. Our country's police are desperate to cause problems for people even though it can ruin lives or make people miserable when the situation is simple and been proven not a problem. This is not good this shows our police are bad and making our people look bad on paper no matter what. Other countries judge us for this and it can make them say no way we're going to allow an American I come visit here when their known for being labeled as problems.

  3. why would it not be his dumpster if he's a tenant & it's the only one???? SADLY i HONESTLY wonder if it would've been SUSPICIOUS if he LOOKED DIFFERENT & i truly hate to even consider that 😔

  4. Traffic stops are not dangerous to police. In 2019, only 6 officers were ended by bad guys in the entirety of the US. That's out of an estimated 20-40 million traffic stops conducted. The courts use the "danger" myth to stomp on our rights. They constantly use "officer safety" to stomp on our rights.

  5. Apparently, in the Land of the Free, you can do anything, except
    -drive (a mud flap is missing)
    -rest (no loitering)
    -live (door will be broken down without a warrant)
    -speak (that's disorderly conduct)
    -use dumpsters (seriously why?)

  6. You have got to be kidding me! Those cops have nothing better to do with their time questioning a lawyer over throwing his garbage in his own garbage bin! After showing them his business card and his drivers license, that just blows my mind dudes

  7. Rather than ask and get denied, why not run the 'plate #' to find out who owns the car, that would give them a name and address to also 'run' and they get a their drivers to see if they match. If they are not the owner of the vehicle, then they have to show ID or be arrested on suspicion of GTA. In my case I would cover what I could so just the name was visible to an Officers eyes.
    Run the plate before making contact, then say something like, 'Good morning Mary Jane.' If he says 'gender change' I have no further advice.

  8. “We have his name, let’s run it and see what we can find” the main reason he was apprehensive of the stop was literally just proven there.

    He didn’t want his ID recorded so that they wouldn’t run it. The second they’re alone they try to run it…

  9. WOW! That's a good one! I had to pause the video to make sure I heard what I heard. The laws of this land are supposed to be written so that the "GENERAL" public can understand the written laws and statutes so that they can COMPLY with said laws, and statutes!

  10. I would venture to say a reasonable person would just automatically assume that a renter/owner of office space would have access to trash cans on the property. The cops just couldn't let that hit to their ego go when he told them not to run his id.

  11. You give them the id there is a problem you dont give them an id there is a problem. I'd suggest kill yourself the moment an officer comes to you. They will feel better that way. Shitty judicial system.

  12. The problem is he willingly gave them his ID. So they have a right to mark it down. If he didn’t want them to do that he shouldn’t have given them his ID. He’s a lawyer and should know that. Now that being said after writing it down or whatever they should’ve left and let him be on his way. And the racial bias nonsense is ridiculous. They were very professional and kind. This guy needs to become a better lawyer

  13. I was with the lawyer all the way till the end where he said it was racial issue… now he can just go screw himself who gives a crap what a piece of shit. People like him continue to rot society.
    They're just moron cops. There are tons of videos of cops doing this same crap to white people. But when it happens to a black guy now it's a race issue? Fuck off.

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