An investigation into Monique Daniels’ disappearance reveals some dark family secrets. If you know anything about the disappearance of Monique Daniels, submit a tip at
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An investigation into Monique Daniels’ disappearance reveals some dark family secrets. If you know anything about the disappearance of Monique Daniels, submit a tip at
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What a odd thing to say when your child has vanished (it's in God's hands) How do you act like she never existed at all? they took all new family pictures after she went missing! i really thought that her body was going to be recovered during the tornado or something. The Mother & stepdad know what happened to her.
The way they wear talking about the tornado I thought her body was gonna pop up
Even to this day this whole story makes me mad it is sad and disgusting, and any woman that will choose a man over their children are pathetic. The fortunate thing is secrets don't stay buried forever and eventually Monique will be found and I hope both of those sickening excuses for a parent face the punishment they both deserve. Those poor children didn't stand a chance once their mother brought that monster into their lives. Kids deserve better than the mother they have, and hearing either of them say "It's in Gods hands" is their way of hiding what happened. . It always disturbing when a mother will degrade their own children and walk with a man that harmed them. Both of them deserve each other and a prison number.
That mf lying in the end. The parents kilt her. Terrible work by the police y’all say you here to protect n serve. But how can 2 years go by to where a missing persons file was put in. For a 15 year old. Shouldn’t the response to if she was a “ runaway “ to find Monquie you ppl are sick. I really can’t understand the justice system. Of course not all crime can b stopped or solved but a cases like these tht is so obvious. Just look at their demeanor talking about a daughter n step. Y’all police needa do your job Fr
That mother knows everything that happened
I definitely believe he killed her
disgusting parents.
They can run but karma will always get them. They’re right. God will get them
I wouldn't be surprised if he were to wait until he was on his death day to confess what he did to her. That way he can die and wouldn't have to suffer the consequences for his action in this life but I guarantee you he will suffer the consequences for his actions in the next life. He may be able to escape man's judgment but he won't escape God's judgment.
The parents need to be fucking investigated.
The mother is pathetic and I hope she get what’s coming for her. The step farther did it! I bet her got her pregnant and then killed her. God please expose a bone or something!
The mother has forsaken her own children for the love of a man.
May the mother reap what she has sown!!!

Bit late to be saying something now
As a parent, I cannot understand how you could not want to look for your missing child. To say " its in gods hands", both of those parents will eventually be judged by God. They didn't look for their daughter because they already know what happened to her. They probably think they got away with the perfect murder.
This kids story does not seem believable. He was very young, how does he know what 2 hours of time feels like? Also the dad locked them up for 2 days? How did they eat, shower and use the bathroom?
How is the status now? Does anybody gave a tip or smth else…?
Look at these people do you really think she ran away and his answer is it’s in gods hands if my daughter was missing I would be going mad let alone saying it’s in gods hands this family was seriously dis functional at it’s best very sad but in some states if there is no bony no witness no crime scene anything prove these parents killed this young woman it’s in gods hands like he said guy is a waste of breath look at his wife just by the way they are answering something is wrong
That mother (and I use the term light as a feather) is shit
Parents may have accidently killed Monique but, it DID happen. Not reporting her missing for 2 years and, both parents saying "it's in Gods hands" says quite a bit to me.
What a sketchy set of people …damn
The fact that they both said "in god's hands"
Seems to me like they know she is no longer on this earth
What AWFUL people
How tragic that those children suffered such abuse. Locked in a house for two days? What if there had been a fire? Mentally they were wearing away every chance the children had of a normal life.
They should go to all their neighbors and ask them to put up ‘Where is Monique?’ Signs in their yards. And when they cut and run like the cowards they are, talk to the next neighbors. Just a truck, the details of the case and a buttload of signs. Even ask businesses they work at or near or frequent to put up signs. It’s not a crime to ask a question.
come on y'all you know you seen it all on d2bw- now fess up hear?
“Monique is a very messed up young lady.”
I think the kids are looking for attention,

Candyce looks so Scared she can't even keep a straight face and why is she refusing to just speak she almost spilled saying "LIKE I SAID BEFORE YOU START TAKING UM" ..
chuck and candyce have to be so careful on what they say USING THE SAME WORDS ; SOURCES. & IN GODS HANDS ?
These actions speak louder than words That COUNTYS POLICE DEPARTMENT NEEDS TO BE DEFUNDED
I hope the wife will not ended up dead in the hand of her husband that kill her daughter, hope is not to late
You see these are one of the type of mothers that should never have kids it's like she got a mental illness she got out of one abusive relationship and got into another and it's looking like it called her oldest daughter which she didn't have by the second husband her life you keep quiet and let a man is not her father kill her and still be with him over 20 years later when they interviewed her you can look at her and tell that something was wrong with her I feel sorry for kids that go through years of this type of mental and physical abuse because a man is too weak and insecure and take it out on the mother and his kids
This is an eerie case, something would happen in a horror movie
Apparently the parents kill her
The mom just looks evil
I have waited for what that tornado unearthed but there was nothing. Anna Garcia is unreliable, hahahaha!!!
He covered his tracks well and thought this out from start. The reason in my opinion he took 2 years to file a missing person case is because he wanted the trail to go cold. No evidence, no blood, no DNA no nothing would be found and it was a smart move not going to lie but I hope she gets justice
I hope to God they get charged
Your child is missing and you wait two years to make a report!
Worst cop ever. What the actual eff.
If justice is not served on earth, may God punish the one's who took the life from her.
Suck one
He locked them in the room for 2days?? So here was the mom??
Why don’t Ppl like this get killed by the Police
Dexter needs to kill them. Lol
I think they're parents killed her she could of left but they could of went after her and killed her I mean all the evidence is kinda pointing to them killing her the mum is bitch if a kid goes missing you call copes stright away they killed her I believe the siblings
I wanna know wtf the tornado had to do with anything
The parents killed her. I have no doubt in my mind. THEY DID IT
It’s SO strange that the parents seem to not care at all about their missing daughter. “It’s in God’s hands now” What does that even mean?! No emotions at all except annoyance. What kind of mother is she?