Parents busted for planting drugs in PTA president’s car

Parents busted for planting drugs in PTA president’s car

A PTA president and classroom volunteer busted with drugs in her car, fired from her job, disgraced in her city. However, just when police believed the case was closed, there came a twist that no one saw coming. More:


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35 thoughts on “Parents busted for planting drugs in PTA president’s car

  1. Anyone knows who is paying out these big settlements? 5.7 million,.. if the guilty couple wont pay up, there is not much to do about that, she has been disbarred so no chance of earning the money to pay either,.. (I would understand if the guilty party were the government or a huge business, they have money no problem)

  2. I know someone who is always picking on people just like this, obsessed with revenge and targeting them for his own twisted validated need to revenge and self entertain. He still does it! Exactly like this. “This isn’t a race it’s a marathon and I’m in it for the long haul”. His words. He tormented one person I know for nearly 20 years before he finally went away. Well I think he did. With him it’s doubtful.
    But he never gets caught and he’s NEVER held accountable. Never will be.

  3. -Cell records pinging by her house.
    -Call made from a hotel that would most certainly have surveillance cameras.
    -Fake East Indian accent that came and went over the call.
    -Cell phone conversations at the time of commuting the crime.
    -Taking your cell phone to the crime scene.
    -Not wearing freaking gloves when planting the drugs.
    -Planting the drugs in a too obvious and unlikely place out in the open.
    -Committing the crime exactly a day after the original incident.
    -In court, Jill Easter starting off on the stand bragging how she has a better law education than anyone in the court, including the judge.
    -Jill faking being deaf in court but then talking normally in the hall in front of the jury.
    -Releasing a self published book about how to commit the perfect crime and get away with it, the day after planting the damn drugs!

    How can two high priced lawyers be that stupid?!?!?!

  4. It’s good to know that there are still good police officers out there. It takes a true professional officer with integrity to see those drugs, witness the victim’s tears, and conclude that she may be in fact innocent.

  5. "Highly educated lawyers". Please, they only went to Law School. If they were highly educated they wouldn´t have used a phone in a hotel.

  6. I wonder if Jill Easter ever took the time to realize that she threw their life, reputation, wealth and marriage away all because her child was left outside for 6-8 minutes. Or how obsessive she was in focusing the blame on someone completely uninvolved in that incident. They thot they were so smart by planting drugs in her car and then calling in a report only to leave their own DNA on the planted drugs and have her husband on cctv going to call that in. And I wonder if the Kelli ever collected on her $5.7M judgment against this power couple. Hope she got something out of that.

  7. This is an old video but it describes perfectly the Democratic party today. They'll accused you of the things they are themselves doing and would try to lock you up using the court but evil can succeed for a while but not for ever.

  8. When people frame others or knowingly make false reports then they should face the exact amount of time that the offence they framed for should have. In other words if you frame someone for possession with intent to sell and that charge is 3 to 5 years in jail then the person that did the framing should face 3 to 5 years simple as that. If these "lawyers" thought they would be looking at serious jail time for framing someone they might have thought twice. With the 2 idiots in this case it probably would not have made a difference but for others it might.

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