Pediatric Dentist Accused of Mistreating Young Patients – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Pediatric Dentist Accused of Mistreating Young Patients – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Dr. Howard Schneider of Jacksonville, Florida, is under investigation for claims of mistreating and even abusing children at his practice.

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33 thoughts on “Pediatric Dentist Accused of Mistreating Young Patients – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I never believed in repressed memories, until all of the details exploded in my head when my acupuncturist put a needle just above my upper lip, directly over the site where dr Schneider performed surgery on me in 1974. My mom sat in the lobby, the entire 2 hours he was sexually assaulting me. I've always remembered some of the things he said, but the whole picture made sense when the memory came back. I've bawled my head off, feeling responsibility for the countless kids I could've saved had I remembered and told my parents when it happened. That being said, I also know that my brothers and I probably would've ended up in foster care for what my parents would've done to him. I'm sorry to all of the kids who were hurt after me and all of those before.

  2. the worst its he denied it and some of his colleague did agree with him its disgusting what it some were teens would he do the same thing if he was still he service it would also be horrified.

  3. Bro I went to a dentist
    But it was not bad like this
    This dentist has torchering
    Pain a lot of screams from those children
    But this video wants to make me cry and i got a little bit of chills
    Down my spine my heart was
    beating so fast defiantly can't fake this scary video

  4. I had a dentist like that when I was 10 and the pain was unbearable but I stayed strong and silent with tears of pain running down my face and the dentist was charged with Aggravated Assault after I told my mom

  5. That dentist is horrible. He only likes to torture children because he never gives them anesthesia every time he does a drilling or an extraction of their teeth. Thank god I had a very nice dentist when I was a kid.

  6. Mä haluisin väkivaltaisesti repiä ja lyödä kaikki dr howard schneiderin hampaat ulos ilman minkäänlaista kivunlievitystä. Hänen pitää kokea sama minkä tehä teki näille viattomille lapsille. Paha saa aina palkkansa.

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