Pediatric Dentist Accused of Mistreating Young Patients – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Pediatric Dentist Accused of Mistreating Young Patients – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Dr. Howard Schneider of Jacksonville, Florida, is under investigation for claims of mistreating and even abusing children at his practice.

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31 thoughts on “Pediatric Dentist Accused of Mistreating Young Patients – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. From the way he looks and his last name you know he is jewish. How he kept his records clean with "0 complaints" shows you how they have connections and get away with things like torturing and murdering children and stealing the organs and skins of Palestinians.

  2. I was put into one of those papoose boards when i was maybe around five or four i went to this dentist and they wouldn't let me go to the bathroom so they were going to use a needle to numb my mouth to fix a cavity and well i had ended up peeing myself my mouth was a bit bloody because instead of fixing a cavity they just pulled the whole thing out, i dont remember who exactly my dentist was but i do remember my mother being so pissed at them that she screamed at them and stormed out of the dentist it was somewhere in southern California.

  3. I had situation a little similar to Thomas, I have autism as well, I was 5 when my mom took me to a dentist, I was really scared when they wouldn't let my mom go in with me and I started crying and screaming for her and the dentist and other workers got very rough with me, they covered my mouth so my mom wouldn't hear me and at one point one of the workers slapped me in the face which made me cry more, after that they put me on sleeping gas and when my mom entered the room to get me when she saw what they did to me she was FURIOUS, she told me that she could tell something was very wrong because I was talking weird and my eyes were opening and closing because of the gas they gave me without her knowing and she never took me there again from what I remember she was crying in the car because she wasn't in the room with me when it happened, to this day I'm still FURIOUS at those dentist and workers who did that to me, I hope they all got fired

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