Person of Interest in Zuzu Verk Disappearance Speaks Out (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

Person of Interest in Zuzu Verk Disappearance Speaks Out (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

A mystery in West Texas, where the search continues for 22-year-old college student Zuzu Verk, who went missing on Oct. 12.

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33 thoughts on “Person of Interest in Zuzu Verk Disappearance Speaks Out (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I've commented so many times everytime I see this interview this guy irritates me his smartass answers this guy is so condescending he knows what happened that night help get rid of her I can't even imagine the other things they might have done to her it's just shocking that there are men and women in this world that can be evil only caring for themselves at least two AR those kind of people

  2. Hes lying, you can tell by the way he keeps smirking & looking down when answering questions! & he shouldnt be smirking at all, because a woman is missing & presumed dead! So the only reason he would be smirking is because hes nervous, & if he didnt do anything; then what is he so nervous about? His firend did something to that woman, & he helped his friend in some way; or at the very least his friend told him what happened!

  3. He’s so full of shit. I like how he said “I still have a life to live.” Well, zuzu doesn’t. She’s dead. Thankfully they found her body, but it’s so sad.

  4. Why do our white women continue to date the blacks/browns?  These are the cultures/peoples/super rich who are destroying all decency and Godliness in their paths.  When will these women get any sense?  This has only happened since about the mid 90s; until then, it would have been almost unthinkable for white women to get involved with such.  We are to be "open minded" now and ladies it's killing you, literally.  Get
    the Bible and get some sense.

  5. I do think this guy is most likely guilty as an accomplice but not for the reasons all these sudden body language "experts" are giving. I have actually studied the subject & think others should too before they start stating such "sure fire evidence" as he looked down & then to the left.

  6. definatly lying. watch his bodyblanguage. he smiles and looks to the side recalking a story butvnot truth. truth is stored in a different part of the brain and you look up recalling memories.

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