Petito family settlement; Tesla autopilot manslaughter case; Masterson jury deadlocked — TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Robert Simon joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the settlement reached by Gabby Petito’s family and the estate of Brian Laundrie, the upcoming vehicular manslaughter trial featuring Tesla’s autopilot component, Elizabeth Holmes’ sentence following her conviction in the Theranos fraud scandal, and the jury returning to deliberations after failing to reach a decision on the charges facing Danny Masterson.

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29 thoughts on “Petito family settlement; Tesla autopilot manslaughter case; Masterson jury deadlocked — TCD Sidebar”
  1. In the Masterson case, what about the fact that the jury foreman lied on his application? He was an ex-police officer and failed to note that his son had been convicted in the same jurisdiction for doing a similar thing as Masterson. He then contacted the defense team and made a sworn declaration. Can he be tried for interfering with the system?

  2. It's not really about money. It's calling out liars and parents that cared nothing for Gabby or her family. Calling them out for their many attempts to help Brian escape. The Laundries have consistently used the law like a puppet. The parents of Gabby can now publicly say what we already knew. The Laundries didn't think what their son did was so bad that he should sacrifice the rest of HIS life. What Brian's parents did to Gabbys parents was despicable. THEY TORTURED GABBY'S PARENTS! Can you imagine their levels of complete fear for Gabby strung out as long as this was. I don't think that Brian would have ever confessed on his own. Lucky for the public coming forward with proof.
    Very happy for the outcome.

  3. Great info, Thanks so much! Nice to actually hear a pro call out the deep reaching harm of white collar crime over the grocery store bread and milk thieves! Society suffers major financial setbacks from the white collar criminals and also the ripple effect of ruined lives and loss of trust. I pray that society will be vigilant against the white collar criminals!

  4. I wouldn't rely on the DOJ doing anything. They doesn't do anything when people tell the hole world that they have commited crimes. And still nothing is done. I'm not American and I feel angry how little is done to hold rich people accountable like Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump, Lindley Graham etcetera not just the ordinary people.

  5. Liquidate all of Brian Laundrie's assets, and it would probably total $1.23. The fact that the Laundries went on a family camping trip when he came home and told them he killed Gabby is extremely disturbing. Discussing their psycho son's method of murder over marshmallows…

  6. The 50 million suit against the Moab police is ridiculous. First of all Moab is a VERY small town and suing for that much money & if they win it would close the city of Moab down. If an arrest had been made it would have been Gaby who would have been arrested because Brain had marks in his body. But if she had been arrested, she would have posted bail and gone on her way with Brain. What more could they have done? They separated them for the night and Gaby CHOSE to go with Brian! There is so much you can do when dealing with domestics violence. I’m the end the person being abused when they are an adult have the right to choose what they do. Is the family going to sue the Whole Foods because they were arguing in the parking lot? It’s so sad that the family is not making millions off the loss of their daughter. Don’t get me wrong… Brian was a coward and is a murderer and it’s hear breaking for parents to no longer have their child but to now make potentially millions on her death is disgusting in my opinion.

  7. Autopilot: At the very first hurdle, the idea of successfully prosecuting Tesla because their cars have a feature called 'Autopilot' which supposedly permits the car to drive itself is not going to work. Why? Because autopilot (small 'a') is actually a very apt name for the Tesla driver assistance system, BUT the layperson doesn't understand that. They think a aeroplane really can fly itself *without being constantly supervised by a fully qualified, competent and fit person*. This is (pretty obviously) patent nonsense as any and every single movie about the subject bears testament to. So, wrong name, absolutely. Tesla being successfully sued on the back of it, no.

    Another aspect of this situation is the fact that to get a jury to believe that a Tesla owner/driver would be unaware of the limitations of Autopilot given the years of near-weekly news stories about 'Teslas on Autopilot crashing' (or even more interesting, Teslas on Autopilot not crashing in circumstances that would almost always result in a very serious if not fatal collision in an ordinary vehicle – ie drunk and asleep on Autopilot doing 70mph down the highway) is simply ridiculous. Aside from that, the warnings Tesla give to drivers when they initiate Autopilot for the first time and then every time they activate it, etc, etc, all point to a likely failure of the suit. That said, McDonalds was successfully sued (in the US) for failing to warn customers adequately that the coffee they just bought was hot! So, who knows!!

  8. Petito: With respect, what do you seriously expect a police officer to do when dealing with an apparently competent adult, a very long way from home, albeit obviously in distress from a domestic situation *but who does not want the police to take action*?! Just detain them anyway and remove them from the situation? Then what?! Arrest the person apparently the cause of the problem? For what offence? How do you know who is telling the truth, anyway?

    This notion that 'the authorities' have to do something and take control over peoples' lives rather than them taking responsibility for their own lives is a slippery route to a very dark place for human rights and our civilisation, generally.

    Can I also point out that I'm quite sure the police officer/s involved here will be having a very difficult time dealing with the aftermath of this awful tragedy. They are only human, after all.

  9. It's ridiculous already, the Petito's. No one has a crystal ball. The police did their job. If anything, Gabby should of been arrested, according to what the caller reported.

  10. The Petito family deserved a settlement, but they were only had the leverage on the police department because of the immense publicity the case received. And it only received all of that piblocity because Gabby was very young, pretty and blonde. There is tons of research on this specific topic in missing children cases. Blonde (obviously always white) females received 8x the media coverage as any other demographic. That is really sad.

  11. I’ll be interested to see if the jury comes up w a verdict in the masterson trial. I just read 2 jurors were dismissed because they tested positive for covid. now they have to start deliberations from the beginning w the 2 alternated

  12. Didn't the Moab officers separate them? But they hooked up later. If they had jailed Gabby (bec she didn't accuse the guy, the guy was accusing her), what would they be liable for? Unlawful detention?

  13. ALL THOSE SHOES HURT FEET, BACK & KNEES. Ive had 7 foot surgeries & now spinel stenosis. Modeled in those shoes so got workers comp but wish I never put them on. I was so STUPID bc good health is priceless. CHRONIC PAIN IS HELL!👠💜🙏💜

  14. Just a point of interest the EU has recently ruled that Tesla may use the term Autopilot and it does not imply the car can drive itself. Seeing that that particular jurisdiction is far more stringent on consumer safety it seems these people may be the ones at fault not Tesla. I think the term Autopilot that originally comes from the aircraft industry does not mean the plane flies itself both pilot and copilot need to be at the controls at all times to take over if something happens. You can try to legislate to compensate for stupidity but stupidity always seems to boggle the mind every time.

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