Pizza crust leads to arrest of suspected serial killer; Man acquitted in girlfriend’s decapitation – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: DNA found on a pizza crust leads to the arrest of a suspect in the Gilgo Beach killings. Plus, a man convicted for the murder and decapitation of his girlfriend has been ruled not guilty by reason of mental illness.

Robert Corbett joins host Ana Garcia.

#serialkiller #murdermystery #crime
Ana Garcia

Robert Corbett

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43 thoughts on “Pizza crust leads to arrest of suspected serial killer; Man acquitted in girlfriend’s decapitation”
  1. Anna I hope you read this message. I just don't understand you when you said you can't believe how that guy that serial killer dresses. How is the serial killer supposed to dress? They try to blend in, when did the devil's favorite tricks are to act like he does not exist think about it. About America's getting murdered. Absolutely nothing will surprise me about our judicial system!!!! I just don't understand why women keep on taking these people that end up killing them back and back and back and back

  2. I think it’s possible this man possibly had an accomplice for example, the very creepy doctor who lived in the area, that made contact with shannan Gilbert’s family after her death then, lied about calling them. That is very coincidental considering, Huerman himself harassed his victims families too.

  3. It was “behead tuesday…” whats the big deal? 🫴🏼
    Or probably a mistake;slipped or something
    … and answer me this: why was her head standing in the way of his machete??

  4. Ana, don't apologize or explain that you are not intending to be difficult. The investigators messed up and have to stand up and face the music for it. That's what you do when you make mistakes, and then you learn, address the underlying issue, and move on.

    Nobody wins by controlling the narrative.

  5. Goofy-looking "nice guys" often have such an underbelly of nasty because of their insecurities which they don't address. Not all of them kill of course, but there is a lot of misogyny and unaddressed envy and aggression.

    In America's case her murder could have been prevented if Alexis' behaviour had been taken seriously earlier. But it's just women, right?

    If he had been institutionalized earlier he would also have been protected from committing murder. We never protect violent offenders and their families from them escalating.

    If he was violent before the car accident then this 2nd verdict is ridiculous.

  6. I find that lady is very sexist lol, she dissses men all the time. When it came to the woman jumping the fence, her first comment was about who could afford those prices…. not about the crime. I know its probably a joke. I def been noticing her strange comments haha

  7. Thank the Good Lord for that DNA to either prove guilty or free a defendant. I’ve heard detectives asking before telling DNA is told asking if defendant had ever had contact with victim to make sure they cannot come back and say as in this case he had contact with the four victims. If he says no they got him. That’s how it’s gotten around by the detectives questioning. Good point being brought up. This creep a disgusting punk with child porn besides his taking of lives. Not a damned redeeming quality in this serial murderer. Throw the key away. Not fit to be in company of rabid dogs

  8. There was no dought he would kill her ,with her going back over and over ,i was in a domestic situation, tou have to be sneaky ,have a plan the way my husband was i cant amagine being alone with him saying i cant do this anymore because this guy knew she meant it and he was not going to let her be happy ever

  9. After a few times of free trips out of town ,free,. Ive always ended up with lazy deadbeats ,had to work ,pay everything..I think id just say thank you honey ,Norway .without him omg. ,not sure id care what he was doing

  10. Ive lived in alot of dudnt houses and have long think hair ,whuch could probably be found in so many places ,2 hairs aint nothing..Hes probqbly tired of all the crap ,now hes 59 ,can lay around ,eat ,still look on tender ,Have these stupid woman writing him ,goving nim money and at his size ,nobody will bother him

  11. Who hasnt been shocked when tou find out your husbands a serial killer ? None of them ever get charged for all of the murders ,Half of them probably dont even remember how maney .His wife most likely has thought stuff ,seen stuff ,probably even knows stuff but,shes rid of hum now and propanly has been praying for this day .Id divorce him ,sell what i could ,mabie shes been putting money back who knows but,,id go and never look back ,never be in another relationship, eat whatever ,laugh when asked questions .change my name to .

  12. I am a regular listener of your podcast and I will continue to be. I have the utmost respect for your guest Robert – But… can you suggest that he steer away from the phrase "IN TERMS OF…" Most of the time it makes no sense and is just a distracting interjection.

  13. The ONE thing you should be looking into is the judge who decided this abusive murderer is just not guilty cause he had a moment of insanity/brain injury. When clearly, HE DIDN’T. Who is this judge, I didn’t even catch a name? Who is it? Who paid him off? Is he a judge paid off by George Soros, who WE ALL KNOW has many lefty politicians, lawyers, and judges in his pocket? Soros wants the destruction of our entire system, including the judicial system. How about you start looking into that? Is there a connection between this judge and Soros? Have there ever been meetings or exchanges of money between the two of them? WHY IS THE JUDGE NOT BEING INVESTIGATED?????

    WHAT?!?!?! AND HE’S HERE ILLEGALLY? Omg, liberals are DESTROYING this country. Those who cannot see the demise of this country by liberals are blinded by indoctrination.

  14. Look another example of police department failing to protect society but if they hear a black or Spanish man there filing descriptions down to there finger nails but white man for years committing crazy crimes lives with wife and nobody new nothing but focusing on there whyte privilege that whole police depart should fired

  15. If the guy was deemed mentally I’ll, he was. You (I’m talking to the host) perpetuating the thought that this murderer is going to have a cushy life shows you’re going the way of Nancy Grace. You must know these places are among the worst, darkest, bleak places on earth. I had to do work in one for a few months. If he’s NOT insane, he’ll want to go to regular prison immediately. The truly violent insane are his neighbors.
    Also, he’s never getting out!

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