Police: Bus Driver on Cell Phone Crashes Into Pole, Kills Child – Crime Watch Daily

Police: Bus Driver on Cell Phone Crashes Into Pole, Kills Child – Crime Watch Daily

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35 thoughts on “Police: Bus Driver on Cell Phone Crashes Into Pole, Kills Child – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Dumbass people obsessed with technology and electronics. I feel horrible for these parents and the loss of this little baby, but I am glad it is shown how this stupid obsession with electronics affects us all.

  2. That man should go to jail also that Boss should be fined 3 million dollars of restitution to go to the family that lost their sweet little babe ,Its just sickening to me that this baby lost her life over selfish self centered ignorance !

  3. What I noticed is that one of the drivers admitted to calling his boss while driving regarding things. So I wonder deep down even though they claim to not use cell phones, that they put that system in place to communicate instead of a proper bus system to communicate with each other. Most likely, the head doesn't want to take the fall so he is blaming the drivers.

    They probably should honestly shut the company down.

  4. I feel that if you're caught with a cell phone in your hand your license should be immediately suspended until you sit through a course where you see all these stories of people dying because of some prick on a phone. No one is hard enough on drivers with phones

  5. There should be a law, no texting or on cell phone when driving and if you do and get caught, your car should be taken and sold and you should Never be able to drive again.

  6. Wow, Christie Duffy just showed that being a blonde bimbo is accurate… "Him and his attorneys" they must be short of reporters that have actual degrees

  7. I understand some agencies need employees as quickly as possible but watch out where and whom you take in. If you watch videos about Mexico’s traffic you will never consider having a driver from there in your life, not many of them follow laws because there aren’t any over there. A baby just lost her life because of this so think before taking any drivers.

  8. Oddly enough I just put two and two together one of the parents to the baby tragically killed in this accident Works for the TV show the People’s Court, hence why at the end of each episode there’s always a warning, DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE……I love that they do that in honor of this baby tragically killed!

  9. Why do we have drivers that don't speask English driving innocent ppl around? How much experience do they have driving in the USA? If they can't speak English how are they reading road signs?

  10. Careful to start chain reactions. So he hit a car, that hit a pole, the pole fell on a passing by stroller. Where was the parents, was she not pushing the stroller, the mother couldn't save the child. I understand you shouldn't use cellphones while driving, but it's not his fault. Bs.

  11. Anyone using a phone while driving is the height of arrogance.
    The idiots that do that should lose their licence and do time in prison.
    Evil people.
    Harsher penalties or will be repeated.

  12. Sadly it's not just cellphones that are distractions. Also I've seen law enforcement officers on their phones or laptops while driving. Just because they're officers don't mean they should be allowed to get distracted while driving.

  13. This is why I get so freaken angry when I see someone on their phone while driving. Seriously, it triggers me so hard. What's so damn important that you can't wait or take the time to pull over? Ugh

  14. We have to wake up. Cell phones are turning people into wreckless zombies. I feel that cell phones should automatically shutt of when a car is in motion or automatically switch to Bluetooth on all cars; or the speed limits need to be lowered since we can't pay attention to the road.

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