Police Caught on Camera Setting up False Arrest – Everything Law and Order Blog

Recently we filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in federal court, alleging that Parkersburg, West Virginia police officers were caught on video setting up the false arrest of a man for allegedly committing battery on a police officer. Fortunately there was surveillance footage, which was shown at the man’s jury trial, resulting in his acquittal. Warrantless arrests require the existence of probable cause. If no probable cause exists, for instance in the event that the arresting officers themselves create the alleged nonexistent crime, the Fourth Amendment is violated. “False arrest” is basically a type of unreasonable search and seizure.

Federal lawsuit filed against Parkersburg Police officers caught on video setting up a false arrest


42 thoughts on “Police Caught on Camera Setting up False Arrest”
  1. It's long passed time to take back some of the Authority given to law enforcement. Making it a federal offense to put hands on a cop is redicoulous… some cops are bad and they know that if you touch them your taking the ride. I understand the purpose of the law but it's to much. Look it's more dangerous to be a crossing guard than a cop but we don't pass laws over protecting crossing guard's

  2. How about perjury? Dereliction of duty? Conspiracy? Seems like many, many crimes committed by multiple officers here as well as unjust prosecution by the prosecutor. End Qualified Immunity, please….otherwise the corruption will continue.

  3. I would say that the police were caught in the act of a setup. You sure do have a bunch of stupid cops down there .
    It's so bad I cancelled my trip down the New River this year. I may never come back.
    I watch a lot of cop videos and there is a trend that the east side of the country is where the lions share of bad cops reside.

  4. Let me get this straight. This guy was told using his freedom of speech was interfering with an officer talking to the bartender. Then gets set up on a bogus assault charge. And we trust these people with weapons and are supposed to trust their word in court.

  5. What a waste of taxpayers money, l wonder how much taxpayers money is wasted across the country every year with these punitive frivolous charges by cops every year. Qualified immunity has to end all its done is allow dodgy cops to abuse citizens.

  6. If the officer is so fragile, he is not fit for duty. ;).

    Physical fitness and knowledge of the constitution and law should be requirements for all law. The profession should not be a career but a civil service for 4-8 years in their 20’s then rotate in the next group of young guys.

  7. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The officer should be charged with battery and let a jury decide his fate.

    Juries should be able to point out charges on the govt that a prosecutor must prosecute without accepting plea deals.

  8. Corruption at the front line policing, right through the prosecutions office and unfortunately throughout the complete judicial system.
    This corruption is so entrenched, so corrupt that today it’s become a form of financial income, for the complete judiciary system.
    Corruption from the cop on patrol, to the jailer, guards, security, secretaries, office staff, legal aid, the prosecutor and his staff, the judges
    the equipment suppliers, even the penitentiaries built by corrupt governments and individuals who only see dollar signs in a corrupt judiciary system, that will stoop to the lowest human levels to incarcerate, lie, steal a other man’s freedoms, falsify documents, falsely arrest and set up innocent people as seen in this video. So really, who are the real criminals, follow the money, the benefits, the pensions and the perks that go along with a corrupt judiciary system and a government that condones this broken justice system. There are real criminals that need to be dealt with, but the present overcrowded system needs a complete overhaul. Many inmates are serving prison sentences for crimes they didn’t commit, or trumped up charges for non crimes. Money is at the root of this corrupt judiciary system.

  9. IT looks like the officer behind pouched him into the officer in front, Regardless of that the police were blocking the entire exit in violation of Fire codes.
    The demeanor of any person around a police officer always changes. Currently there is evidence that the fear of the police is exactly the same as in PTSD and that nearly all citizens show signs of it. This means that no officer could possible have any observation of variations in interaction and or demeanor.
    Sounds like you will be having a few million in damages paid. I would actually award based on the total number of officers on scene, the total time at the scene and the total time the victim of their abuse is in custody.
    At least $1000 per officer minute. Another 10,000 per hour in jail. All lost time from work, including being terminated and losing a job over it. If terminated, and not able to be employed at the same or better wages, the amount would be full wage to retirement plus benefits. That is just for this arrest.

  10. Ambushed by 8 cowards who use handcuff for a living, and that is all they know. And they don't actually know, since they ALWAYS manage to hurt innocent people with these retarded ligatures. What they intend to do with entering the person space and touching his arms is a fight so that they can for sure put in their report that the guy was violent and therefore he's got a broken arm. If the person just let the handcuff come delicately, they just hope to screen all of the guy's past in search of trace of non angelism. Not that they would offer any specific form of support to anyone themselves or hold any average moral standard.

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