In this episode of True Crime News The Sidebar Podcast: Lee Wallace joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss a politician charged with murder potentially tanking his case while testifying at his trial, a change of venue request for Bryan Kohberger in the University of Idaho slayings, and five suspects facing charges in connection with Matthew Perry’s overdose death.
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Josh Ritter
Lee Wallace:
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Of course they would say it was a “professional hit”
a narcissist wouldn’t let themselves NOT be mentioned in someway if they’re represented in a positive light.
Did you get Pepper or is she still in my room and I just can’t see her??
There's no way they'll find an unbiased jury for the Idaho case
Harvard Lawyer Lee!!!! Hey girl!!!!!
I don’t watch the news I see the highlights clips news to me is so depressing to many evil people out there
Seriously, SOME Doctors have been drug dealers for years and years. I am 73 years of age and I know that is a fact.
God rest your soul, Matthew Perry, you brought a lot to this earth and I am sure you will bring a lot to heaven. Thank you for the miles of smiles you brought to us. Addiction is an enemy that the devil breathes life into.
Why is everyone making Perry out to be a hero? He was a drug addict!
What bothers me about the Matthew Perry Case is that the 5 appear to have deliberately targeted him. Perry had money so they continually solicited him. It was a conspiracy to continue harming him because he could pay. They bled him. He was an addict. They are drug dealers. Put them in prison and throw away the key to protect the public.
Lawyer lee is the BEST !!!
excellent classy classy top tier choice Joshua ! Thank you !
If this hadn't been Matthew perry, would five people be in jail.
When a drug is illegal, it's more likely that it will be used irresponsibly and dangerously. It's also more likely that there will be accidents in misunderstandings when using it. A dealer may not know the purity of what they're selling. There might be a misunderstanding about different measurements, people will not have access to adequate information on how to use the drug safely, so of course, bad things will happen, and people like this lawyer will say " we do have a problem. We really need to stop this, " because she believes the way to stop overdoses is to makke it disappear, and to prohibitionists like her, that means, lock everybody up.
If recreational ketamine were legal, there would be far less overdoses and accidents. You can never make these things go away completely, but in general, legal drugs are safe drugs.
Josh Ritters impersonation of Telles cracks me up
thank you ! Justice was finally served.
Can you please look into 17 year old Samaya Isaac. A missing Teen please
Tell ess pronounced…he is not spanish
,.. I live in Vegas and follow this case.. Love LL
Love Lawyer Lee…. thank you Josh and Lee
Theyworshipthedevil robbarthalan dirty hefferkaet gang activity
Prosecutors object to move of venue because it costs a lot more and they have to foot the bill. All budget-related. It has come up in a few trials
What a great combo you two are! I’m a huge fan of Lee’s! Well done!

Haley, so good to see you here. I’m definitely one of your fans. Sandy from Cincinnati.
Hi Lee! Nice to see 2 of my favorites in collaboration. Great insights from you both.
19:45 M Perry
Anyone have a timestamp for the Mattew Perry stuff?
Josh ♥♥♥♥♥

Lee ♥♥♥♥♥

A very interesting video again, first case: If you become your own lawyer, you have a fool for a client
Addiction is a disease. Matthew Perry unfortunately had the means to front his addiction. Too bad his enablers , cared more about their jobs and their profit , than this man’s life.