Pregnant Woman Arrest Video: You Be The Judge – Everything Law and Order Blog

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48 thoughts on “Pregnant Woman Arrest Video: You Be The Judge”
  1. She lied & her lawyer is wrong to file a suit. It's frivolous. She wasn't pulled out like a limp rag doll. She wasn't slammed against the car. The cop inquired about her health. If she was honest & cared about her baby, she would have told him she had drugs stored in her body.Those drugs most likely leaked & killed her baby. That's on her. Not the cops.

  2. I think I would like to see an unedited version of the video. That being said, the pregnant woman did NOT appear to be harmed in any way. I believe the Trooper treated her with care and respect. Idk what happened at the jail 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. Holly crap make your mind up cop. ( put your hands up, open the window, show me your fucking hand, get out of the car, show me your hands.) Like no wonder people get shot for no reason, with all these impossible tasks to do at once.

  4. She very clearly bent her body in a way that was seemingly to protect the baby. There was definitely a gap between her and the vehicle. Given how many videos we see where cops are slamming people I just don't think this is one of them. It's very unfortunate about the baby but on the flip side of that if she had fentanyl in her system the baby is probably better off than having to live with the consequences of her/his mother's poor choices.

  5. There should be consequences for attorneys and their clients that file fraudulent lawsuits like this. They both know darn well not only was she not slammed, but her miscarriage was due to the drugs. Maybe they should be charged with extortion bc that’s basically what it is.

  6. I think she swallowed a bunch of drugs before pulling over and that's why she was unresponsive later and miscarried? Just a guess obviously, I don't know the facts but it's def possible.

  7. The road is clear and she clearly ran for the cops because there are 3 cop cars chasing her. Wen you’re first getting pulled over it’s jest one cop you don’t get 3 if you’re not running from them and you’re not getting pulled out by gun point. And having that drug in you while you’re pregnant I think she should be charged with the death of the baby because of the drugs if she can try and go after somebody else for killing the baby then she can be charged with it’s death as well

  8. If you stop immediately cops get mad because you stopped in an unsafe place. But if you drive to the first safe place with a turn signal on then you are running from the cops.
    That said.
    I didn't see what her lawyer is claiming in the lawsuit.

  9. If it is the truth you want and want too show and let the people too know… too 100%… Yes then it shud also ba at 100%. Both in the fact of what is happening, says end ending up to… as an result.

    So then and yes the camera and what it is recording a very good tool… working the both ways.

    Nowe… me seeing this case… this traffic stop… yes and HELL YES… this cops… all of this cops are in there sworen dutty responsability too this… and the aftermath. Even the lieing ore the truth about the right / fals word about she having some drogs on her ore someting more.

    And yes i belive her in seeing her as the person she is and responding. And the same in the "attack, bad mouthing and bully" acting of the cops.

    She wanted too bee safe whit the stopping of herself, the persons in the car och traffic.

    The cops is upp too 110% adenalin whit drawn wepons / guns at her… giving her and the passenger a first reaction.

    Den pulling her aout of the car. Acusing her for lying about her name, plays too stop and agenst her person.

    And as you say… there is some more "action" agenst her loosing the baby… murder acording too the lawyer… yes and yes i agree too that.

  10. I think you made a correct call, Im glad to say that if things check out with the car chase thing, then I would have to say they're performance was acceptable, I'll be glad when the day comes that all police preform their dutys in a manor like this. Glory days baby!

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