Prosecutor arrested & charged with wife’s murder – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Curtis Lovelace was a model citizen in Quincy, Illinois. He previously worked as an assistant state’s attorney, doted over his four children, played Division 1 football in college, and even spent time serving on the local school board. But that would all come crashing down.

While the rest of the world knows February 14th as Valentine’s Day, that fateful day in 2006 would be marked by tragedy for the Lovelace family. That morning, Curtis dropped three of his children off at school and returned home to shower while his wife Cory stayed in bed with flu-like symptoms. When he got home and walked into his bedroom, he found Cory dead.

Cory was a beautiful blonde with a big smile, but she also reportedly suffered from alcoholism and an eating disorder. The autopsy found Cory had a fatty and enlarged liver, but the pathologist also noticed some marks in Cory’s lip that matched some suffocation cases. Her death was initially listed as “undetermined.”

Curtis remarried, got divorced, then married again, and his life seemed to be moving on until everything changed on August 27th, 2014.

Police arrested Curtis on suspicion of first-degree murder for the death of Cory.

Detectives reopened the case, and prosecutors alleged Cory had been suffocated to death at least 10 hours before Curtis called police.

Curtis went to trial in 2016, but the jury could not agree on a verdict, so the judge declared a mistrial. He was tried again in 2017 and found not guilty.

After his acquittal, Curtis sued Quincy Police and Adams County on behalf of himself and his children, saying he was wrongly accused, and his kids were unlawfully detained to get them to “falsely implicate their father in their mother’s death.”

In July 2022, he won $4.5 million in the civil lawsuit. Since the trial, he moved away from Quincy to start over.

Let’s look back at the case of a mother’s unfortunate death and her husband who had to leave his own hometown to begin anew.


40 thoughts on “Prosecutor arrested & charged with wife’s murder”
  1. A jury today is terrifying. Up into the '70s and '80s, you better have rock-solid evidence. But today, just being arrested is the only evidence some need. People have low intelligence today. Look at who gets elected.
    Look at how things were up thru the 80s and 90s. People didn't tattle on each other for petty things. Today, they can't wait to dial 911 and often make up a crime. We live in a petty and jealous, more righteous than society.

  2. Not sure if this man’s guilt or innocence, but what I AM sure about, is that the police dept. committed what SHOULD BE a crime if it isn’t already, and that amounts to that detective “doctor shopping” until he convinced someone to say what he wanted to hear. If a citizen did that, it would be a crime. Police ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW, and must be held accountable for their actions…!! Otherwise corruption runs rampant!

  3. 8 years later, no life insurance policy, no money on the line, I'm assuming no evidence of an affair, hunting for a pathologist to give you a specific answer, hiding the opinions of 3 other pathologists, no other witnesses other than the detective that's clearly railroading this guy… This is why people lose faith in the justice system. The fact that this made it to trial at all STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN 😬

  4. When investigators and prosecutors so blatantly and sadistically persecute an innocent citizen like in this case, there should be criminal or at the very least severe professional consequences for them to face as a result of their extremely irresponsible and costly wild goose chases that could result in the destruction of an innocent person’s entire life. Thank goodness he won that civil suit even though monetary damages can’t resolve the emotional trauma that he and his children and loved ones have gone through as a result of this idiocy.

  5. Our justice system does not depend upon a defendant "proving his innocence". The accused is assumed to be "innocent until proven guilty". The burden of proof rests on the prosecution, not the defendant. The testimony of the hysterical second wife should NOT have been admissible during the second trial and the judge was wrong to allow it. A bad relationship with a second wife ending in a nasty divorce and all the "bad blood" and resentment remaining has NO BEARING on the facts of the first case (which occurred before the divorce) and whether there was a murder or not.

  6. His 2nd wife Erica what am embarrassment of a person just ridiculous fake crying and acting on the stand, she’s clearly a complete head case likely wanted money or something if she got him convicted, truly disgusting person she was quite happy to lie and send an innocent man to prison for life

  7. Huge miscarriage of justice here not that he was convicted but that he was blamed for a homicide that never was, the detective that pushed this based on a mark on the woman’s lip and her arms position is a complete moron who should be charged with malicious prosecution he had homicide decided in his head so he shopped around with Z5 different experts before he got his desired answer just fit his already conceived bias he will be a terrible detective based on this case alone he’s shown he doesn’t have the skills or temperament to do the Job. I hope Curtis and his family are living in peace and prosperity

  8. How the third wife acting like she knows what happened like she was there. I dislike foolish women like this. You're probably married to a murderer, but she'll defend him to the death. I don't believe that lady just died,she was so sick with so-called flu like symptoms but didn't take her to the doctor. Yes right he probably told the kids to lie.

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