Prosecutor Requests Dismissal of Charges Against Off-Duty Officer – But Why? – Everything Law and Order Blog

What you see here is Bluefield West Virginia off duty police officer, James Mullins, on October 24, 2021 physically attacking multiple individuals, including a local business owner, his girlfriend, and multiple coworker police officers. He had just been involved in a shootout with multiple people in this parking lot. There are bullet holes in his car and shell casings laying around on the ground. At the end of the day, nobody was charged for the parking lot shootout, including the off duty officer. In fact, despite all the crimes you are about to see committed, only one misdemeanor charge of domestic violence resulted, for the video taped violent push of the officer’s girlfriend. And today, that charge was supposed to go to trial. Instead it was dismissed without prejudice. My original video on this was pretty long, but take a look at these few snippets, and let me know if you think the off duty officer appears to you to have committed any crimes.

More video and the dismissal documents:


23 thoughts on “Prosecutor Requests Dismissal of Charges Against Off-Duty Officer – But Why?”
  1. I still don't see the problem.
    The cop was just being a cop.
    I saw no abnormal behavior that I wouldn't expect from a cop on or off duty so why is everyone upset?
    He was just trying to de-escalate the situation while EVERYBODY ELSE was provoking the poor guy 😂
    What choice did the cop have but to act like some unhinged psychotic lunatic on drugs with all these losers trying to calm him down?
    Maybe people should think twice before making a cop angry if they don't want some insane violent maniac attacking or shooting at them?
    I mean the cops language shows he fucking tried de-escelating the goddamn situation you motherfuckers so what's the fucking problem goddam it! I don't give a fuck, I don't care what you say…he was just trying to help and calm everybody down while they kept provoking him by telling HIM to calm down.

    Look, next time an off duty cop starts screaming like a schizophrenic, attacking people or shooting at them in a parking lot of a bar just stay calm and let it happen…there's nothing you can do because cops can do no wrong.
    It's in the Constitution that cops can do whatever they want, when they want, to whoever they want for any reason they want so stop acting like this is some big deal when you're just cherry picking the one or two things the cop did wrong and blowing them out of proportion for YouTube glory and to make yourself feel better about being a fucking motherfucker.

    I hope this helps you understand that everyone is human and makes mistakes and I'm sure everyone that the cop hit, shot at or punched watches this video, sees what they did wrong and accepts personal responsibility for ever trying to stop the psycho cop from losing his mind in public.

    Ok, I have to shine some cop boots with my tongue so take care.

    Sluuuuurrrrp, slurrrrp, slurrrrp ahhh there, like new, so shiny 😂

  2. The judge the prosecutor and the police department better realize if this cop kill somebody they're all going to be at fault and be charged and if that happens I hope that they get their asses sued off because they see how this cop is acting he does not to had need to have a gun and a badge ever

  3. Before any person can be authorized in law-enforcement, there has to be a rather comprehensive psychiatric test to weed out the psychopaths, and ensure that they have a IQ higher than double.

    This low mentality behavior by law-enforcement, goes all the way up to the chief of police. It is unfathomable that they are ignorant of the distrust and hate that they created.

    The term, "peace officer" how become an oxymoron.

    Ego and the power of authority with a psychopathic mental condition, followed by low IQ, this nefarious behavior by law enforcement will only increase as more and more individuals now realize that law-enforcement is a unemployment they can vent their sadistic tendencies and not fear reprise because of Qualified Immunity.

  4. All this video evidence and eyewitnesses not to mention the officers even saying they saw what he did and he still doesn’t get in trouble. Thanks but I’ll never go anywhere near West Virginia again

  5. He should turn in his badge..right now!

    Why didn't they arrest the off duty officer.officers.

    He has no right to be on the streets. I do not want to be policed by criminals which seems to be the case

    That's why they are putting it off

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