Protecting the 1st Amendment and How to Resist Mandate Tyranny – FIS Live No. 31 – Everything Law and Order Blog

#1stAmendmentLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #MandateTyranny The Civil Rights Lawyer discusses the rampant abuse of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that’s currently happening, as well as the legal resistance to the “new normal” of government by executive mandate. Freedom is Scary.

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29 thoughts on “Protecting the 1st Amendment and How to Resist Mandate Tyranny – FIS Live No. 31”
  1. In the United States, qualified immunity is a legal principle that grants government officials performing discretionary functions immunity from civil suits unless the plaintiff shows that the official violated "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known" Ok, so a cop who's violating my constitutional rights is granted qualified immunity why? Are they not reasonable people who are aware of my constitutional rights and if not how are they allowed to be cops?

  2. If you could please answer this one question I will be most grateful. Can my rights be leased away in a public park to a special event that does not require admission? I was just threatned with trespassing in said park for holding a sign and talking with people. I live in Oklahoma. And I have a video with the admission of arrest.

  3. So you say, there's a lot more cases coming, involving people who get upset about everything and/or anything!? Makes sense, I guess, if FEELINGS are top priority and take precedence over law & reason.
    16:03 You sir, are full of it…
    As you speak, you seem to drop subtle/subliminal messages/suggestions, that may be interpreted as, reasons/excuses, that empower tyranny.

  4. Let´s us all just remember the noose has been invented.
    Maybe these vile people will make up laws regarding
    banning ropes….
    The tradition has always been that high treasoners are
    hanged. High treasoners cannot make up laws forbidding
    the hanging of high treasoners that law is automatically
    invalid and high treason in itself and a law put forth by a
    dead man ? A high treasoner has forgone his life, he is
    already dead…

  5. The hate speech needing protected didn’t get full context so allow me to elaborate to stand in opposition is hate speech. When MLK gave his I have a dream speech in that time it was considered hate speech by many depending on who side you stood on I know where I would have stood content of character. This is America a person has the right to spout ugly hate filled words but the same right given to them gives me the right to stand and speak in opposition

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