A DEA raid of Dr. Narendra Nagareddy’s office sent shockwaves through the Atlanta suburb of Jonesboro, Georgia. About 40 federal and state agents conducted the after-dark raid.
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A DEA raid of Dr. Narendra Nagareddy’s office sent shockwaves through the Atlanta suburb of Jonesboro, Georgia. About 40 federal and state agents conducted the after-dark raid.
Check your local listings at CrimeWatchDaily.com.
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Everything also people blame the poor Psych patients. Bunch of idiots. No wonder many Psych patients feel its not worth living because of all you idiots pushing them to Psychiatrists and blaming them when Psychiatrists are found to abuse the patients.
Poor patients, damn if they do and damn if they don’t.
Fuked up world!!
In many Psych wards around the world, when a patient refuses to take meds, the Psych nurse will buzz the alarm and the entire block of nurses will come barging in and press the patient to the bed using their body weight. Then they inject the patients against their will. This traumatises patients so I am not surprise those patients just take the Psych meds though he was sus as hell because they were probably terrified of the consequences not to.
Please stop being idiots who blame patients, Psychiatry is a huge problem and you flying monkeys of Psychiatry are really adding to the problems!!!!!
Bible proves shrinks are fake
Shrinks are dishonest…..reprobates……..
KS Pavitra KR Sridhar doing this same thing. I don't know about this doctor.
Where is he at now???
Don’t seem that he prescribed pills he shouldn’t have, they made the decision to over dose
Where is the accountability for the patients who took the Rx more than they were prescribed?
Leave the doctor alone.
Drug seeker will abuse drug no matter what! Hello
Doctor is being escape goat. If he was white, it wouldn't be any issue atall. Did someone put a gun on these junkies to take all those meds like "tic tak"?
Her husband says the prescriptions made her drowsy and drugged. Wow you can describe logic…
newport corp. sucks!
Dam crazy
1I got hit by a car while crossing the street. My doctor kept prescribing Tramadol even when I told him I wanted to fix my pain, not mask it. Long story short, the doctor ruined my life. I spent so much money to fix this and I'm still on the road to recovery.
An addict will get there shit no matter who gives it to them,not saying what he did is right but blame gets shifted to easily in these matters. Once he writes the script it is up to the patient to use that medicine as directed
Have you noticed that almost only foreigners names doctors are those whom the government go after? Look it up the most ones.
This witch hunt need to stop, why haven't the government gone after the Alcohol or Cigarette sellers, underage drinking is out of control, same way these people are responsible for their own actions the same applies to everything else, people yes people need to take responsibility for their own lives and own actions and stop blaming everyone and everything.
I guess everyone forgets that no one has to take anything offered to them by a Dr.
Holy crap, as an Atlanta native, I have passed by his office so many times.
The problem is that it is mandatory for a Dr. to be drug dealer. In fact they have a mandated Monopoly on the drug trade and because the government is organized like chicken shit they prosecute the very Doctors that they, by design, have established as exclusive legal drug dealers that literally by way of government mandate, require typically around a $100 fee if someone need drugs before they can get drugs, then maybe the cost of a goddamned pillow wouldnt double every six months on your bill at a hospital just because YOU DONT HAVE A DAMN CHOICE. Drugs should be fully legal and not dominated by an industry that is already as corrupt as anything can be with the sole purpose of profit. If the government wants to protect its people then maybe it can make it illegal to run a drug cartel such as pfizer and make it to where it doesnt cost people who need medication a mandatory Dr. visit fee plus the cost of the drug itself. It should be mandatory prison time for all entities involved in a given company (i.e. a hospital or any other business) to spend no less than 5 years in prison for unacceptable rates of markup for goods and services that were mandated by the government to be the only choice of vendor a customer has. I have long believed that if the prescription history of every person in America were unveiled, it would be discovered that basically 95% of all people in the U.S. are on some sort of drug and 90% of those people are the ones you see first in line to attack someone like the doctor in this video which makes them the typical American hypocrite that is responsible for the world hating America and also heavily responsible for the crippling national and average personal debt of the typical citizen.
) for drug use and any of those who use a psychotropic drug such as thc or any ssri can be subject to immediate arrest and detainment as suspected drug abusers that deserve to be outcast from society as outsiders in the country they belong to. Then and only then will we be able to fix the actual problem that is plaguing us As Americans. Only after 95% of America realizes they have always been drug addicts and that buying their drugs from Pfizer doesn't mean they're not crack heads will the U.S. see anything resembling helpful to the American people.. In fact it pretty much means the people who are very much taking ssris or beta blockers, or whatever drug they've convinced themselves aren't drugs are the same people that are truly less capable of dealing with life without substances than is the guy or gal that likes to smoke a bowl 3 times a day.
If I were president and drug laws have remained unchanged from their current state I would mandate review of every single person in America (not just undocumented workers although they deserve to be part of the group too
I feel like since we supposedly hold law enforcement to a higher standard that any Law Enforcement found to ingest drugs (no i dont give a shit whether you paid a Dr. to tell you to take them or not, regardless of whether you have convinced yourself and the sheep around you that antidepressants arent drugs), then they are permanently unfit for duty and should be forever barred from holding such a position because they are FAR too dangerous to possess a weapon or privacy, not unlike the many millions of people that suffer the same fate for only ingesting a drug without paying the U.S. drug cartel (The Dr. you have no choice but to pay too much to see, drug slingers on the corner, and the Pharma companies in the U.S. usually just to name a few) their royalties. Sure that means the country will have about 2 million positions open in Law Enforcement and 320 "inmates" in a cell designed for 2 but the people who make the laws that monopolize these kinds of products will realize that they are hypocrites and are in jail like they without hesitation would have forced their equal peers to endure for literally the same reason and would be guilty of committing the same "offense" will be struggling through life on minimum wage like the drug addicts they are and have always accused everyone else for being. That is all assuming they even get out of jail in the first place without becoming part of the underground which is a direct product of American greed by politicians to begin with due to their pathetic selfish agendas.
talk to my lawyer sir!
At the same time some people are really ignorant if a medication really makes you feel some type of way stop taking it and go somewhere else like what the fuck ppl are just too much
Those two medications together can have bad reactions with each Other and need to be monitored thoroughly while taking them together, most doctors would warn or coach their patients about the possibility of that interaction
I was his patient. All of this crap on the video is BS and made up to make him look guilty. I seen this doctor for 4 years, I seen the people in the waiting room and most were very poor and couldn't get care elsewhere, I seen some people with their caregivers because of extreme mental illness.
NOBODY can understand mental illness unless you live through the pain yourself or you have a loved one that lives with mental illness. This doctor helped me stay off drugs, I made bad choices in my life that nearly ended my life and this doctor kept me alive.
Everyone needs to understand the patients that died under his care found a way to self medicate to block out the bad negative thougts in their heads, I guarantee you they took many other forms of medication that what this doctor gave them. Their death would happened eventually with or without his prescriptions. I hate saying this but it's true, they were lost souls looking for relief, he didn't put the pills in their mouth like they had taken he was trying to keep them sane. God Bless the people that died and the doctor that is being torn apart for being part of the tragedy