Pt. 1: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 1: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily has the story of an overly aggressive male boss, his frightened female employee and a wedding night that would end in murder.

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48 thoughts on “Pt. 1: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

  1. But I'm confused as to why she would even go on a long road trip with him unless they were already involved. Keeping a job at Home Depot would not be worth all the trouble especially since she had family to rely on. It seems strange that she informed higher ups of the harassment and nothing happened. Some things just don't add up.

  2. Her parents should've told her there are other options; public assistance until she got on her feet or they could've supported her; anything to get her away from him and that stressful job. She didn't need it!

  3. This show and stories like it. Should be shown in every high school, give teenage girls the wisdom to spot these monsters and their manipulation. I hope Home Depot has to shell out $$$ to her family in their lawsuit. So sad…she looked like a beautiful sweet girl whose fault was being to trusting…Rip Alisha

  4. 4:54 look it's possible the brother was just cheap (I know it was for other reasons) but my brother would do that "hey I'm getting married at banff springs hotel and you're all going to stay in the hotel with me" my brother "well there is a $50 a night motel now the road I'll stay there it's cheaper" I'm not even joking so me personally I wouldn't think it's weird until I saw the look on the women's faces then I was like "maybe it is weird"

  5. i didnt even realize this was posted today lol i thought i was just watching the video again. ohwell its still a good story. i guess dont go on wierd mini vacas sharing hotel room with somebody you dont know and have bad feelings about…

  6. The people who do not watch this program on television are not necessarily cheap!!! I don't watch this on television. I either watch it at home by paying a pricey wireless cable internet (TWC/Spectrum) or I watch it from my mobile phone by paying an AT&T talk and data plan. I actually probably pay more than most people to watch YouTube content. I certainly do not sit around and use free, public Wi-Fi all day!!!

    This being said, I would not mind if this program had a commercial play before every video if it meant that they would get funding to create new video material.

  7. You know how when they interview a family member or a friend about the victim and one of them usually says "Oh they were so kind and sweet and caring and so bubbly and fun!" What if the victim was an asshole who was not a very good person???? Do only good and kind people get murdered???? Do I have to become a disgusting and evil person to not get murdered??? WHY DO ONLY GOOD AND KIND PEOPLE GET MURDERED

  8. This is so sad 🙁 being pregnant myself, it breaks my heart knowing she didn’t get the chance to be a mother and that poor child didn’t get the chance to live . She was beautiful and deserved better .

  9. So it really is true. CWD has been cancelled. I was denial for the past few days, now I’m just sad & disappointed. This was a great show, as morbid as it might have been, was always wildly entertaining.

  10. On June 8th, 2018, Crime Watch Daily was canceled after three seasons due to subpar ratings and the Tribune Broadcasting/Sinclair Broadcast Groups replacing the show with Investigation Discovery's "True Crime Files"[13] [14]

  11. It is so upsetting this show got canceled……. this channel is my favorite and I feel like I've see. Every episode… there are still people getting murdered .. the show must go on !!!! Lol

  12. I know these are re-uploads, but I just come back to see all the people triggered at the fact that there are no new episodes, when there are comments stating the show was canceled haha.

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