Sandra Treadway is a loving mother to Matthew Treadway and grandma to her grandson Aiden. But there’s a dark side to this grandma no one saw coming. She is accused of trying to have Lyndsey Grindol, the mother of Aiden, killed by a hitman. Even though she received photos of Grindol’s alleged murder, things didn’t go according to plan. Nerissa Knight has the story for Crime Watch Daily.
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People that have a kid that name Aiden are always trouble lmao
Who gets the 750 bucks?
Just a pound? So the hell with helping her get through postpartum depression. Just take him bc he lost a pound….like most babies do after birth. 😒. Idk y she even laid with a janky loser ass clown like him anyways. This is terrible!!!!
The father called his baby son “the child” he is like a crazy robot.
Second worst interviewer on this show……1st Andrea isom over dramatic Manley voice,2nd Narrisa with her big ass eyes and over dramatics as well, 3rd Ana Garcia with her screechy high voice, then Michelle Signio and her smuf face and wierd eye and lips/mouth
Thanks to your channel and like others I cannot believe there's so many murders and people that get away with it and so much crap that's happening all the time it's just endless you guys will always have a job LOL. I hope he wasn’t texting in code
Sex outside of marriage of one man and one woman produces a lot of evil.
Jill and Kamala went horizontal to go vertical to get to the highest government office.
If I was just reading what he said here, I would know it is in the south. "I done had"
The little child mother had a case in South Carolina a few years ago about child abuse
Why does this host always try to open her eyes as wide as possible in every interview? Her facial expressions are too dramatic.
People commenting that many babies lose weight after birth… Correct. For the first week or so. By six weeks the baby should most definitely be heavier. The mother obviously had a problem. Not saying she should be killed for it. Lol. But these comments are incorrect.
I love when straight people, never committed a crime in their life, try to commit crime. Its not as easy as it looks. That ridiculous text "code." Thinking you can get someone killed for 1,500$, 750$ up front. You dumb bitch. A real exterminator might charge more for a really bad roach problem. Why would someone committ MURDER for 1,500$? What do you think they committ 50 murders a year just to live a middle class lifestyle? Think about it. Use your fucking brain. I can't believe how dumb people are.
if a child is your grandkid, their mother is either your daughter or your daughter in law. so if you try to have your grand-kids mother killed, youre trying to have your daughter or daughter in law killed. which measn a much easier way to title this would be, "this lady tried to have her daughter or daughter in law killed.
People have lost they damn minds.
Lyndsey Grindol was charged with child abuse in 2013 – breaking her daughter’s arm. Anyone know what happened in that case?
Omg the haircut
State of that copper's hair. 😆 No way any self respecting criminal is going to want to be pinched by that mofo.
Did no one tell this guy that babies lose weight after they're born?
Also she clearly had post partam… Way to be supportive guy
When you have a news interview to do, but a club to go to later.
puts on suit
i uh…dun had
I feel bad for the baby. His father and grandmother seems to be monsters!
This dude is his moms puppet.. Is all "we" and "us" haha like man just be like i wanted all this for my son. Makes you look like a shit parent to cuz yoy doing this just cuz your mommy
This is my friends family😳
she didn’t wanna feed when he was first born, like still in the hospital, same day he was born ? i dont remember PPD kicking that fast. usually starts after about a week.
Fathers have too much rights in this country
That cop hair cut should be on crime watch
Interviewer is a trip
"It appears to be in code" 😲
"I done had one of dem custard orders for the judge to get him"
The vernacular of these here folks is atrocious…..just sayin'
As bad as I need money sometimes if someone asked me to be a hitman? Oh hell yeah I'd consider it and I'm not going to the cops. Pay me lol
Wow he’s a cunt
I have to agree with many on here the weight loss isnt that bad and if they are going off logged hours by the mother on feeding she might have forgot to put some timea in i agree postpartum is really hard and some woman have it worse then others but as a parent you gotta work threw that or seek help once you relise its to hard to cope with. We will never truly know the story cause the mom isnt in the video to defend herself and the dad could be painting a bad picture its known to happen but seening how my coustsy battel and my sisters coustdy battle is going its hard to belive the courts would give full coustdy to one parent i dont really know when this happened but in my excpirince it would have taken A LOT of evadince against the mom proving shes unsafe for her son to get that
Dam I here everyone talking shit about dude for caring about his child haven't you people heard of women killing there kids while in postpartum WTF
The true crime is that haircut.