Pt. 2: Badge of Honor: Crime Watch Daily Honors Jeffrey Leslie

Pt. 2: Badge of Honor: Crime Watch Daily Honors Jeffrey Leslie

Crime Watch Daily honors law enforcement heroes through its new segment “Badge of Honor.” This week, Crime Watch Daily honors detective Jeffrey Leslie of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Leslie worked on the case involving Lauren Key, whose father claimed that she accidentally fell to her death from a cliff. Further investigation by Leslie suggested otherwise.

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42 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Badge of Honor: Crime Watch Daily Honors Jeffrey Leslie

  1. He is obviously a narcissistic psychopath! He objectified his daughter and maliciously planned to murder her to exact revenge on her Mother and put an end to child support. Simple as that. Only God knows what he was doing to his daughter prior to her murder that caused her to fight not to be in his company.

  2. Every child deserve a parent but not every parent deserve a child I have a 6 year old daughter and about to have another one soon but I would do anything to ensure that they are safe . I would even sacrifice myself for them

  3. After watching all these videos, it makes me think that if I ever had a child outside of marriage, I don’t think I’d try to involve the guy/get child support from the guy, so he wouldn’t have the ability to have any control over the child, it always seems to end badly.

  4. How stupid is this PoS to make a 911 call like that, asking to be jailed is what it is!! If he didn't want to pay for his child, he should have jumped off the cliff. I am sure that little 4 year old would have made a better 911 call.

  5. Ladies…… take this as a PSA…! Stop having babies by men you don’t know! If you do raise your child yourself. If a guy says he does not want a child trust me he doesn’t! Let him mentally abort the kid and sign his rights away.

    The responsibility of the womb is with the woman to protect it and reverence it…! Protect yourself and pick the right husband/Daddy. Birth control (15 different ways to not have a kid)is free for ladies…..

    If he killed his daughter he deserves to rot in jail!

  6. Call looking for you to capitulate to them, throw himself off the cliff, Possibly grovel at the feet. Remember for some people no matter what you do with never enough. His detachment could be different from yours. I couldn't even register the death of my mother for over 7 years I love with all of my heart. Something the mind isn't ready to handle. These are men who work in the field or shooting poor people is standard. A certain level of emotional attachment comes with the job. They are 30' from a cliff and are afraid! Question any of them ex military have been involved in the shooting. All even say different people have different fears but blanketing we cast this on his character [No]. I know many me who don't want having children, It still doesn't make them killers. I know women who don't like their children it does not make them killers. What's your doing is eulogising the child into a monolithic figure so no child behaviour can be thought about! An demonizing the father. I've seen individual be convicted on morality. My skin color is morality in the white conscious mind not evidence of guilt. There is mass exonerations occurring Why do you think that he is!

  7. He stated all he saw was her feet! She could have been blown over the cliff! The wind moved your reporter. I watch her be pushed by the wind. The father is also daredevil were you have fear he doesn't that not a crime. Your emotions don't make it a murder, I hear gun fire everyday I'm use to ot happening dose that mean I don't feel if I now laugh when gun fire happens. I seem dead bodies and felt nothing so is something missing in me. I have watched people filming vehicle rollovers. With dead bodies. No one can think for anyone case in point the wife who was found guilty of going out and partying after her husband die later finding out he had a heart attack but every new outlet said she was guilty [SO STOP] you not god. As a parent he may have know his daughter has his daredevil ways you can't said that she doesn't. Your trying him on morality not physical evidence and if she was swipe off the cliff by high winds you would not have injuries such as falling over or scratches. He stated all he saw was her feet that's windswept. Shock works different for everyone get off the high horse.

  8. The mother is to blame. I would never send my child with a stranger who my child fears to be around. The mother was selfish for wanting a relationship for her daughter with a person who did such horrible things. I would take my child over having money. I'm sure there was some other way to take care of her instead of having that monster being in my child's life.

  9. He didn't want the child and asked her not to have it. As horrible a request as that was, the mother then who chose to have her should not have requested child support, 50% of his paycheck when he has had no intent on being a father. That was a horrible, greedy move on her part. She put the child in danger for no reason. Especially cause she was already remarried!

  10. My god you KNOW he did it, just based on the 911 call. Guys like him are why we need EYE FOR AN EYE LAWS. He should be tossed off the same cliff. Then& only then he would understand the pain,fear & death his daughter (he could have gotten nipped or you know wear a condom) felt. People like him do not deserve to live. Not sit in a prison. Where they get free food, tv's, ps4's, Xbox1, computers. Cable. Levi jeans. While THE VICTIM'S FAMILIES HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR BILLS. See any victim that dies, not only do their families lose them, but because they work & pay taxes. They are suffering cause they lost some one but because the pain never goes away. WHILE the MONSTER WHO KILLED THEM gets to laugh, love, get married, see a new year begin, celebrate holidays & birthdays. Try new things, have kids & grandkids. HOW IS THIS FAIR. I'M SORRY BUT IF I HAD A CHOICE, I WOULD WANT THEM TO DIE. People like this guy are MONSTERS with no compassion or love in there hearts. They kill out of selfish reasons. With ZERO concern of who they killed or time they will be given. But death. Not death row where 90% of them spend 20/50years in prison before they die of old age. This doesn't work. PEOPLE ARE NOT AFRAID OF ANY consequences they will have to face why because they still get to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE & THRIVE.& EVERYTHING IS HANDED TO THEM FOR FREE

  11. Like 90% he killed her, chucked her off
    5% she may have fallen accidentally but he just didn’t give a shit
    5% he made her follow him hoping she would fall and when she did didn’t give a shit

    100% in any situation he is clearly the reason she died

  12. I once asked my dad what he would do if all 3 of us were drowning and his response was 'truth is id probably end up killing myself in order to try and save you all'
    And then there is this guy. Disgusting.

  13. I get more anxiety when I see an animal in the road about to get hit, than this dad had when he called 911. All because he didn’t want to pay child support. Moms! Women who may become moms…if they don’t want to pay child support, let them be dead beats because it isn’t worth yours or your child’s lives!

  14. This "father" had no interest in being a parent. He made that clear from the beginning. In cases like this, do NOT force the issue for money. He had no relationship with this little girl. He did not care for her.

  15. Do NOT take a biological father to court for the only purpose of child support, unless you are 100% certain that the father has a loving and dedicated relationship with the child.

  16. The guy did some crazy hardcore things for the mom to abort the pregnancy. She may of had a legal right to get child support but I don’t understand why she would go after it. First sign her daughter gave about the father was bad sometime before the murder/accident. But she wanted the money even though she remarried, the money meant more to her than her daughters safety. Tragic lesson for her, father is psychotic pos and she should have never ever involved him once he tried all that crazy shit to get her to abort. She didn’t kill the girl but she failed to protect her.

  17. I told my dad… who is the most laid back man ever.. he never panics.. never gets mad… hes literally always calm.. about everything! So I told my dad.. just be ready… if I ever fall off a cliff.. they will arrest you because your a calm man… my dad said "911 call??.. I would've been too busy jumping after you to call!!" Lmao… well at least I know I wont be going down alone!! Lol

  18. He didnt want her, yes it's the Moms fault too.. when he showed you who he was, you should have known he didnt want to be bothered! so no he wasn't happy to give up his money, he didnt care about the baby at all. mommy didnt protect her daughter. I say it all the time we don't protect our children

  19. We all agree he's a monster, but she is the asshole who put her own daughter in peril. She was a single mother who had monetary problems taking her of her one daughter? Give me a break! Get a job you can do from home, and don't tell me that's hard to do. You sent your daughter to her death for $1000 a month and you know it. He asked you to get an abortion, you tell him he doesn't have to have anything to do with the child and then you ask for $. Of course he's going to be angry to give 50% of his earnings as a ramp rat. He's an uneducated selfish idiot whose poor to boot and that's the guy you choose to have a child with? Women, and I am one, don't "get" pregnant like it's a miracle. You are off the pill or you do it without condom. YOU did it, lady, and then you sacrificed her for money. Look in the mirror and accept you started the conflagration!

  20. Clearly the judge didnt hear nothing this woman had to say maybe he thought she was just denigh him this baby. Idn. But i think the judge should have some kindda charge on him..its becuz of him that this man was allowed visitation that this child is dead sry but thats the wy I feel.

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