Pt. 2: College Graduation Day Ends in Tragedy – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: College Graduation Day Ends in Tragedy – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Johanna McDermott says she killed her husband Mark on the day of her son Donald Dunn’s college graduation, but further investigation suggested she wasn’t guilty of the murder after all. Crime Watch Daily investigates.

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35 thoughts on “Pt. 2: College Graduation Day Ends in Tragedy – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. this is the epitome of neanderthal gene asf. total lack of human remorse and just general consciousness. these beings are so insanely selfish and distorted

  2. This is why schools should allow parents or guardians to see grades especially if they paying tuition. But I don't blame them for this crime poor step pop trying to love someone else's child. The mom ain't spit duing this senseless tragedy and glad they locked him up he can't deal with life issues so kill someone smh

  3. Personally, I'd be more disappointed in my son for killing me and his father than I would if he didn't finish college. College isn't for everyone, we can figure out what is for him. Maybe that's just me.

  4. His logic was insane. If I did something like this, there’d be a trail of hella dead people. You know how many people I disappointed when I was his age? A lot! Did I kill them? NO! I just didn’t give a fuck.

  5. Yep.. the fact that she still supports him and doesn't force him to take responsibility… not good.. not allowing children to make mistakes n the the consequences causes shifty adults

  6. I don’t even blame the mom for maintaining a relationship with him, I guarantee it’s only because she’s terrified of him and scared he will get out one day so she’s trying to stay on his good side

  7. It's the same old story. Every time you spoiled your kids, you end up with a monster as a result. Egoists, manipulators, etc. And one also always hear the same BS ; " Not my son / daughter. He / she is a good kid" 😒

  8. I guess this mom really trusted her son. I was surprised he was not busted sooner, given Marshall held its commencement two weeks before the murder/attempted murder and had to have publicized the keynote speaker (CEO of Thomson Reuters) before and after the ceremony. (No university is going to hold a large event like Commencement during a major holiday weekend (25 May 2013 was the Saturday before Memorial Day) — too expensive!)

    Another tell: Dunn kept referring to the ceremony as a "graduation," a mistake most college seniors wouldn't make.

  9. Wow. I know this story boggles the rational mind – I have a perspective on this that might buck the trend on these comments. I'm from Australia, I myself dropped out of university and did not tell anyone. I kept trying to get back on the wagon but kept falling off. In early 2018 I dropped out altogether. The shame in the family would have been too overwhelming; I was very smart in high school. I felt like I was having an identity crisis. The psychology of it was very insidious – one little lie became two, then three, and before I knew it a mountain of lies with no face saving way out. I suffered severe depression. I was meant to "graduate" in April this year. Everyone was so happy and there was no way I could try to get out of going to the ceremony – even though it's not technically mandatory (and we live only a 10 minute drive from the uni). Back in January, I was planning to kill myself and had been suicidal all of 2019. This is where I differ – I'm not a psychopath who would take my parents with me. But I believe this young adult was in extreme emotional pain like me; I underestimated the burden of keeping up such a big lie and I don't believe he should be given life in prison. I had written my will, planned my method of suicide, and written a 3000 word letter explaining everything. I don't know if I can call it a miracle, but when the covid-19 hit in March, it cancelled all the graduation ceremonies. I bought a fake certificate and transcript online and we "celebrated" at home. I have since been seeing a psychologist every week, and I landed a job a few days ago (without lying on my CV). I'm doing ok these days, and really trying to put one foot in front of the other. I suffer from survivor's guilt in many ways, if covid-19 had not hit when it did and killed numerous people, there is no doubt in my mind I would have followed through with the suicide. To this day my heart palpitates when I drive past the uni, it's been very traumatic for me. Thanks for listening if you read this whole comment 🙂

  10. He didn’t have to do it because he was going to be exposed. In college/university you can walk at graduation and even have your name announced along with everyone else’s by simply putting on a cap and gown, walking across the stage and hand over a piece of paper with your name written on it for the announcer. Anybody… Joe Blow who didn’t finish as much as the 8th grade can “graduate” and you can fool everyone. You just won’t get a diploma in the mail a month later like everyone else.

    Some people just make me shake my head in disbelief. Like they don’t have ANY forethought to think that even if there is only a 1% chance that I will not get away with it is it worth the risk of giving up every single thing you’ve ever known as life (even down to choosing what to wear or hitting the snooze button for 9 more minutes of sleep) it’s all GONE; every simple pleasure and silly little choice no more. You won’t ever again even be able to choose what you’re going to eat! Is it worth it people?? I don’t get how they don’t think of these things before killing someone over something so stupid that won’t even matter too much a year down the road. Grr…🤨

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