Evimer Duclerc cheated death by a single centimeter. Her devastating Bronx tale is one of terror, domination, raging violence, and a bullet to the head. It’s one of the most horrendous cases of domestic abuse – all at the hands of someone who professed his undying love. Crime Watch Daily has the story.

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By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Evimer Duclerc Survives Attack By Ex – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen”
  1. Attempted murder is murder. Like if they’re dead set on killing someone but fail, they should still be tried as if they succeeded. Why does their success or failure in pulling off the murder have such drastically different consequences. Ridiculous

  2. Truer words never spoken, anyone who hasn't been through DV, has no idea how hard it is to get away! I have always said this, it is easier to stay then leave! Because you can't leave until the offender doesn't want you any more, because they will always find you! For 15+ yrs of marriage to a man who was a butcher (in more ways then one) i was slapped, punched, kicked, shot at, raped, many times held with a butchers knife across my throat, run down with a car, & so much more by a man that stood 6'2" & weighed 15+ stone & was an athlete. We couldn't go out together because it always ended up with him in a jealous rage, if i spoke to anyone woman or man. He would rip my clothes off me & do whatever he wanted. So near 40 yrs later by the grace of God i am still alive today, although i suffer in cronic pain every day from a broken back! But i am happy & have been for 34 yrs, i live alone & have done for all these years, i am never lonely bored or unhappy. This man was the nicest man ever when we were courting & engaged BUT the same week we were married, he threw all my clothes away, & he bashed me for no reason what so ever, & told me, you are mine now & don't ever think of leaving, because i will kill you & when i don't want you any more i will kill you because no on else can have you. I did get out of it & 7 yrs later he died of cancer at of 49!

  3. Poor girl but I didn't like her story in the hulu series 'dark desire' i feelt cringe for her and her heavy accent. She is complaining about stalking and domestic violence but why would she moved in with him expecting to still live a single life?. While being with him she wanted to still party like crazy. This behavior on modern women apparently it is overlooked and even applauded. Also, her chapter on the hulu series was titled: "beauty in the Bronx "… honey you aren't that beautiful! The only thing you had was youth and not being fat but you aren't exactly beautiful. You don't even have beautiful eyes and your theet are ugly. And finally, a Batchelors degree? Hahaha learn how to be eloquent and use grammar correctly first.

  4. I feel like attempted murder on domestic abuse cases should be dealt with as if he went through with the deed because I'm worried for all of them 4 years after watching this.. like he will get good behavior and be out in 6 or 7 if covid is still going on

  5. I dealt with domestic violence, I did not leave after the first encounter because he was having a psychotic break n we were together for 5years before things took a turn because of his mental health but once I realized he was not going to get the help he needed he got ghosted

  6. I’m confused that her friend’s first concern was that he would come out of jail and find her, then as an afterthought she was also scared that he would come out of jail and find his ex. What the??? Some friend, in fact neither of her friends were worth much. Clearly this girl has poor judgement when it comes to her relationships. And she shouldn’t be reading her ex’s letters either. They should be returned to the jail unread. He’s a nutter and in 15 years he’ll still be a nutter. God help his next girlfriend.

  7. She's drop dead gorgeous, thank goodness she's still here to tell her story 🙏 Guy was punching big time! Hope she knows her worth now! 15 fking years are u kidding me!?? It's a miracle she's alive, he should never see the light of day!!

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