Pt. 2: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 2: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily has the story of an overly aggressive male boss, his frightened female employee and a wedding night that would end in murder.

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34 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I know the feeling my work makes it’s employees feel like this as well in a lot of ways,,this guy couldn’t get what he wanted so he forced it and killed her what a pos loser. Women quit giving these losers the chances if u sense it ain’t right leave at all costs

  2. Her mother sued Home Depot and their Garden contractor. They had a duty to protect their employees from sexual harassment., and they did nothing. Sexual Harassment is a big thing that most employers stay on top of.

  3. I do appreciate these crime stories because they are great teaching points for all. #1 I never tell anyone at work my life period. So no one knows nothing. #2 If i am approached by a man & i am not interested i say thank you but i am married…"where is your ring" they ask….i dont wear it at work because of my job….I work in a hospital….but ladies have to find a way to say no regardless of feeling that your boss may be upset or whatever. I'm really sorry this happened. What a psychotic feces.

  4. Such a beautiful woman and a mommy to be and this pathetic sorry ass p.o.s. killed her cause she got tired of his bullying and bullshit! I'd love just 5minutes alone with this prick in his jail cell! I hope he's in general population and every inmate knows that this bastard choked a 6months pregnant woman to death!

  5. More proof that there's no difference between nude and naked. This police officer found her nude, he said. I would have used naked. Before you tell me that nude is artistic I'm going to tell you no it is not and that's the naked truth.

  6. I love watching these but I always hate how the hosts are making faces to seem more dramatic and attract a reaction out of the person they're interviewing.

  7. I saw another show about this. The girl should have quit her job and got far away from this sicko. There were many many warning signs. She didn’t deserve to be murdered of course but she made a lot of bad decisions. Her family knew he was crazy also. And his employer knew about it

  8. You don't have to go back to Victorian times, but for god's sake, be appropriate in your behaviors. Those rules back then were set up to protect women from harm. Don't go to hotels with your boss. He's obviously a creep.

  9. The name calling at work should have been enough to fire him. He should have been reported to a district manager. When they mentioned the name calling, I got sick to my stomach. She shouldn't have had to go through the harassment and black mail. It shouldn't have gotten to her being forced to be with him at the wedding at all. This is really getting to me. Poor young woman and sweet baby, RIP.

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