Pt. 2: Veteran Vanishes After Spat with Wife, Seeing Friend – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: Veteran Vanishes After Spat with Wife, Seeing Friend – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

The last time Amanda Massner saw her husband, military veteran Chase Massner, they were arguing. Then, he vanished after going to see his friend Brad Clement. What happened to this young man in Georgia? Crime Watch Daily has the story.

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30 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Veteran Vanishes After Spat with Wife, Seeing Friend – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Some of these police departments are lazy and/or incompetent. I just watched a story before this one where, like Chase’s family, the family AND a cab driver did more for the missing/deceased than law enforcement.
    And it’s frustrating that police say “the first 48 hours are the most crucial…” BUT “you have to wait at least 48 hours to report him/her missing”. It’s ridiculous what some of these families have to go through.😔

  2. Sounds like a OD that would explain her husband's crazy behavior wanting to jump out of the car beating on the dashboard. The friend probably freaked out when he OD'd who knows who was all there partying. I understand the families pain I really do but sometimes when we love people we look past their drug use and other bad behavior that goes along with. His friend might have not been there when he OD'd shit gets crazy when people are doing drugs tragic either way.

  3. Interesting Brad went from holding down a job & owning a nice home, to living in a stolen U-haul. He moved out of few months after Chase disappeared.

  4. Cadaver dogs should've been brought out in the first damn place initially! Now 3 years have passed and most evidence of how he could've died is now gone. And that SOB will probably never come clean and state why he did what he did and how, which will still haunt this family.

  5. So… This was a real surprise.. I thought the wife had done it.. But when they found the morphine and meth in the body, it came to me.. He went to his 'friends' house to vent about his wife issues… Got meth morphine up and ODed.. And the idiot friend panicked all methed up and buried him in the yard. Only meth and morphine could do that. Thats why meth is such a wicked drug.. You literally LOSE YOUR MIND!!😣 SO SAD. DUDE SHOULD'VE JUST WENT HOME TO HIS WIFE.

  6. It’s crazy that the dogs solved the case. They got a scent through cement. That’s crazy. He may have overdosed. But he should of just told them. All that time they are wondering what happened

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