Pt. 2: Victoria Rickman Says She Had to Kill Abusive Lover – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: Victoria Rickman Says She Had to Kill Abusive Lover – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Is Victoria Rickman a victim of abuse who felt she had to kill her abusive lover William Carter, or is she simply a cold-blooded femme fatale? Melissa McCarty has the story.

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41 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Victoria Rickman Says She Had to Kill Abusive Lover – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. When they said 9 shots.. that was it for me, you can’t shoot someone 9 times and then say you didn’t mean to kill them. That is vicious. I bet she killed him because he was over her and done, couldn’t be manipulated anymore.

  2. I hate to bring statistics into this but when has someone rapped and did it completely naked…. Serious question. Even in movies when there are rape scenes they never fully undress?!?

  3. bruses on her arms …
    when a girl attack a men , first reaction is to grab her arms as strong as you can to protect yourself , thats why she got all thoses arms bruses

  4. She told the truth. I know, I've been there. He KNEW she was recording him in that video and said what he did to make sure no one would believe her claims of abuse, and make people think he was scared of her. You Seriously don't think he saw her phone? Smh. If he was so scared of her and didn't want her in his life, why did he get jealous when she was talking to another man? Why did he go to her place? She didn't invite him. No where was that proven. He had a temper, she'd been abused, fought back, was punished for it. He did what she said. She's innocent. She needs to be released, she's been punished enough already. In my state I can carry a 4" Switchblade concealed and I do. I aslo carry a Self Defense Taser, legal. I was told by police not to call them until the person I had to use it on was on the ground peeing their pants, shaking, and not able to get up. Incapacitated, they told me that's the way they like them when they come arrest them. I agreed. I've been raped, date, stranger, and by someone I knew. Wish I'd had protection then. You can't win against someone bigger and stronger than you without protection or training in self defense. This verdict was ridiculous and others are going to suffer for it.

  5. wait a minute! at 2:54 the DA says that he was taller than her heavier than her and stronger than her. that is sexist to talk like that. we are living in the days of equality. men and women are the same, so say some, especially feminists. you cant have it both ways. on the one hand they scream for equality but in a case like this they turn around and try to say that the man had a physical advantage over her. so women just try to play the system to whichever way benefits them at that time.

  6. hate the old 'lured blah blah' argument.. its really all about the cretanous predatory men crawling all over the place. But this woman is the worst, falsely accusing rape is pure evil and also hurts all real victims

  7. Oh.. Your best friend is here to say your telling the truth.. Let me forget the video I just saw with my own eyes!

    Yea.. They're all victims and can kill a man and claim .. Crying is their weapon.

  8. Victoria in her defense attorney or full of BS I don’t believe a word that comes out of Victoria’s mouth or honestly the difference it makes no sense it shows in the video that she recorded with her cell phone that she’s the one that won’t leave she’s questioning him she’s upset because he might be with somebody else that’s just comes to show me then she didn’t kill him special kilometers he was raping her she killed him because he was leaving her

  9. Si victoria was being rapped, but yet she was able to get the gun, and not her phone to call 911. She was able to get free to shot him 9 times… In this video Victoria was no victim she was just mad 😡 cause he wouldn’t be with her. Shame on her for playing the tapped victim, it’s because of women like her they true victims sometimes are not believed. If she was a victim of violence why would she go back to his apartment and be questioning him who is with him why he was naked.

  10. So we're just supposed to believe that while she is getting raped she just pulls out a gun from the air? Like in the roadrunner and coyote show where they just all of a sudden have a stick of dynamite or an anvil falls from the sky?

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