A baby girl vanishes from her dad’s home mere days before Christmas. What happened to Ayla Reynolds? Crime Watch Daily’s Melissa McCarty investigates.

More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/05/23/missing-what-happened-to-baby-ayla-reynolds/

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By elboriyorker


25 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Where is Baby Ayla Reynolds? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen”
  1. Every single one of aylas guardians are responsible and not a single one are fined or charged for this. Maine failed Ayla and continues to fail her over a decade later. Ayla had too many neglectful monsters in charge of her beautiful life, her grandmother included for not taking baby Ayla at the first sign of trouble.

  2. Someone tell me why all three of the people at the house weren't interrogated by the police? Is there some weird law in Maine? And especially after the blood was found inside the house, on Justin's shoes, and in his car?? Make me understand how he wasnt immediately taken in for interrogation! How much evidence do they need?

  3. He's trying to say he believes his baby is still alive but he has done nothing to search for her nothing to be involved in search parties no f**** flyers that are easily printed nothing nothing wouldn't even do an interview to get the word out of his daughter if he still believe she's alive and missing no TV interviews nothing this guy is hiding something and the two other people in that house too because they don't want to be accessory to murder which they know that they are and they could have stopped it if they would have f**** stood up at the very beginning and maybe save that baby's life but they didn't do a damn thing they could have called the police as soon as they seen something but they didn't and his mother no wonder why he turned out the way he did how dare her talk to the mother like that whenever her f**** baby is dead at the hands of her son how dare her a bunch of enablers obviously this guy is a f**** complete piece of s*** and a bunch of enablers around him cuddling him oh I'm too victim oh poor me cuz I had to go to the court house and she had a bunch of people surround me no because people want to know where the f*** your daughter is because you're the last person to see her why aren't you looking for her why aren't you having search parties if you really think she's still alive no all this man cares about is drugs he wants it to go away it doesn't give a s*** about his f**** daughter he probably got rid of her for f**** child support which he didn't even have to f**** pay I can't stand this dude I can't stand the family and I cannot stand the mother she should never get in another mother's face like that she is a part of it too now in this situation in my eyes how dare her no wonder why he turned out like that cuz he doesn't have to take accountability for a damn thing that he f**** does what a piece of s***

  4. OMG he's really going to sit here and play the f**** victim all the my child's mother showed up with like an army of people at the court date wow poor me and then he gets his mother to stick up for him when he killed his child and she has the right to say to the mother's face that's my granddaughter tell us where she is you know what the f*** your son did with her and those other two people in the house three in total you know you're f**** son took that baby's body and killed her and for her to f**** act like that oh my goodness in front of the mother's face how disrespectful I don't care if that's my son or not how dare him try to play the victim of poor me what about Ayla no one cares about Ayla and his f**** world this is ridiculous I can't stand this dude he reminds me of someone I'm sitting next to right now

  5. How dare these two other women sit there and watch this happen and lie and cover up for this man those two other women could have f**** help that baby they knew what the f*** was happening in that house what evil people

  6. When he says “yeah, ‘I love you and I’ll see you soon’” it’s so monotonous and robot like, like he knows she’s dead and he’s just saying it to have an excuse to point the finger at mom because he KNOWS what happened. Has the gf been interviewed? No reason she should still have his back.

  7. Anyone going to mention life insurance police justin took out one month before Aylas disappearance?
    What about DSHS worker was a relative of Justins mom! F'd incompetent police work too!

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