Pt 2: Who Killed This Cop? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt 2: Who Killed This Cop? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Who killed officer Jennifer Sebena? Crime Watch Daily’s Nerissa Knight has the story.

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39 thoughts on “Pt 2: Who Killed This Cop? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. I can imagine what her brothers and blue 💙 we're thinking 🤔 and feeling when Ben was confesing to killing his wife… It had to be so hard to just sit there and listen to him talking about what he did to the women he said he loved…. Ben did it cause he was mad with his sorry ass life and probably jealous that he wife was doing good in her life and profession . It's a Shane that Ben mom's really thinks her son is sick. Sorry lady I don't believe he is sick he is straight out evil with no remorse…. Rest in peace Jennifer

  2. I would be able to focus on the stories more if my eyes weren't glued to the interviewers witness protection wig.
    There have been such incredible advances in wigs and yet she insist on wearing this one. The style to….it never changes.

  3. OMFG I CANT BELIVE HE KILLED HER I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT HE REALLY HAD ME SOLD WITH THE TABLE FLIPPING !! Did he not think that he was going to get caught tho !? No one has the right to take someone life !!!!

  4. He was… the killer?!!! Just give him an Oscar award already. WHY?!!! Now I feel like flipping the table. I actually believed in HIM! Okay lets just hope its maybe a relative who took his car

  5. He was acting over emotional because at that moment, he knew that it was OVER for him. How do you send a text saying that an officer has been down when nobody knew about it yet.

  6. "You wanted to protect her from the rain". This lady always says and asks the most odd things q in the midst of attempting to sympathize with emotional family members. I've noticed that in many many videos she's in and it makes me cringe.

  7. I’m a Marine and yes I’m trained to kill but not my loved ones. The enemy only. I’m not minimizing his service or injuries but this all boils down to one thing and it’s not PTSD. It’s called control.

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