Pt. 2: Young Real Estate Developer Found in Street – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: Young Real Estate Developer Found in Street – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A young real estate developer is found stabbed to death in the street shortly after a fight with his business partner. What happened to Tim Egkan? Crime Watch Daily’s Jason Mattera retraces Egkan’s final steps to investigate his murder.

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41 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Young Real Estate Developer Found in Street – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. He said the wrong thing to the wrong person people that have tempers like that and just like to start fights but his dad makes him seem like he's the perfect little angel

  2. Probably business partner laced his drink with some illegal drugs that made him super intoxicated, then intentionally pick a fight with him. He then stabbed him for financial gains. Business partner has now inherited all the business. Sounds like an insurance fraud. The only thing here is that cops must put the puzzle together, gather evidence and indict the business partner for capital murder for financial gain. I am confident jurors will convict him with the two witnesses testimony.

  3. Only reason why two best friends would fight is over a “girl”.
    Theory the wife was sleeping with the business partner or flirting with her that night.
    If my husband was murdered- I would be on every tv channel- I haven’t seen anything of her.
    The business partner killed him.

  4. i had just lucid dream about the couples boyfriend hit tim with a metal object similar to a pipe to the head and the girlfriend stab tim on his chest area and tim walk home bleed to death.

  5. I remember hearing about this when it happen, I had forgot about this case and he was in one of the more nice areas in stockton…miracle mile. Stockton is a scary place

  6. I know his wife must feel some sort of guilt, for not making him go home. I would’ve made my husband leave with me and go home especially if he just got in a fight ? Hell was she sleeping with his business partner?

  7. Tim must have been a mean and foul mouthed drunk…3 fights..3 different people.. Alcohol is not for everyone! He looks like a nice man, my condolences to his family.

  8. 😢😢😢 Another brilliant, good person gone. Had they not been drinking, Tim might still be here. So sad! Prayers for the family & hoping they find answers soon. 🙏🙏🙏

  9. So….lady says her boyfriend did it, you track them down, but their not suspects…
    AND…they were the last to see him alive.
    Hmmm. Who could it be, oh I don't know, the couple you tracked down ? Hellur ?

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