Bikram Choudhury is the creator of Bikram, a form of yoga that has captivated Hollywood elites. Despite its popularity, Choudhury’s cult-like practice has come under fire for its creator’s alleged behavior. Choudhury is currently on the run after being accused of sexual assault. Crime Watch Daily’s Melissa McCarty has the story on this yogi.
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When you turn people into power cells for your own gratification.🔋👉♂️♀️💰
WOW! Talk about entitled! Big deal, in his own sad mind! Glad he got taken down.
No doubt he is guilty of somethings but I don't think rape is one..The racist slurs maybe maybe not people falsely accuse people everyday just to try and make a buck..
and to bother his family is wrong leave his family his wife and children alone it’s not their fault he is that way but don’t go to their house bothering them. they already have to deal with the embarrassment and problems he caused them but don’t go to the family and harass and bother them so you can make a stupid video
that’s is fcked they can take his money he didn’t do anything illegal money wise so i don’t get that and if i were him i would hide and transfer all the money to for the wife and kids tf.
That was his daughter. .
Why don't they just seize the money from his family?
I,got,a good lawyer you,cant,mess,with,me
They should have sent Chris to serve the papers. "Have a seat. Can I talk to you for a minute"?
Thank God I'm not into yoga. I've never understood the craze.
If I see one more time this weirdo inside a damn Speedo 😩😤
She did take that fat lesbian comment personally though, don't lie
California breeding evil of every kind
Update, anyone?
I honestly don’t think 🤔 the Yogi cares about the accusations against him. Or him having to pay 7Million… He should of been put in jail for his actions
Honestly, it seems like he broke some hearts
Here because of the documentary on Netflix. He’s a scammer and a scumbag. He should rot in jail.
This guy is so gross! Only way this troll got anyone to sleep with him would be to do what he's accused of! I completely believe what he was accused of! Of course he skipped the country! What a disgusting weasel that karma needs to take care of! If he's still out there free
If they consent or regret what they consented to ( if in fact they did consent ) it’s not rape and I bent some of these women did consent to have sex with him.
He looks weird, surprisingly his looks attracted so many women “students”!!!
No result, no interest!!!
Funny how it only became a scandal when he violated the attorney🤔🤨
6:58 the Laywer vows to go to the end of the world to get her money.
Why not this brave lady backing up by Feminist org?
They always attack and destroy minorities when they become successful
Sad that he got away with it
All the strength to the attorney and her team…. People like and his family are utterly disgusting. In the name of money and fame, they have ripped people s lives.
I don't understand how people can be so gullible..
Thank you for exposing Bikram's yoga's deeds.
Now people in USA, can practice & teach yoga in thier own personal way.
Ducking firt bag
Any yoga is disgusting and demonic, no matter how it's called. This case is just another proof.
Is that a still photo of the reporter?