Demitri Hampton was beloved by many, so why would someone kill him in his own home? Crime Watch Daily’s Amy Dash tells the story of a young man taken too soon.
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from prosecutor to defense attorney
The Hamptons need to civilly sue the State Attorney and their State somebody needs to be held accountable. Now that will surely be a slam dunk case.😡
Nasty pos!
That cop taking the murderer out couldn’t wait to get hands on him. Good treat him like a peasant
What a joke our system is! I’m sorry for Your loss 🥺, I hope someone out there can take care of this monster and everyone was involved in this heartless acts.
You should have never had hid evidence
You should be in prison for the rest of your life
That procuter
Googled this case out of curiosity if any updates. Booker was released August ‘21 and charged for possession of a firearm May ‘22. Also there’s was an investigation, findings of misconduct by the former DA 😒😒😒 only suspended for 2 years
There is no justice in the justice system. If these guys did this in North Korea, they would have been under a firing squad.
Those evil ones will never know peace
He may have gotten away with murder here on earth, but life will take another turn for him and he still have to face the greatest judgement of all when he stand before God . For God’s word says “No man has the power to give life or take life away”. Thou shalt Not Kill! Period
Now if it was a white man that killed a black man he'll spend life in prison.
Where is BLM for Demitri? Thats right they dont care about Black lives
Any lawyers out there that can explain? I thought after finding this issue & dealing with it (firing/charging that prosecutor) judge would dismiss those charges. But thought they could refile murder charges with all info they had. If not 1st /2nd degree, why not even manslaughter or negligent homicide?
This is still bullshit. Because even though they claim they didn't shoot the guy, but by them admitting being there and being apart of the robbery makes them all guilty of murder. So I dont get how they can be guilty of the robbery but not the murder.
The DA's in every city always hold back evidence in ppls trial and rarely ever get punished for it. I guess this judge actually did his job. But these cutthroat punk DA's always try to railroad any suspect just to get a conviction.
5 years?……I'LL WAIT BUDDY
Where is part 1 & 2?
I’ve watched so many cases on shows like this. Why is it so hard to get a conviction when the victim is Black? Why is it so easy to get the death penalty when the victim is white (especially a white female)?
It is EXTREMELY UNFAIR to punish the victim(s)/victim(s) families because the Court System has HIGHLY failed the very people they are there to get justice for!
* At the very least it should be considered a “Mistrial” and re-trial should be made!!!!
FUCK .. that's all that I can say .. that prosecutor ruined justice for this family .. He should be demoted and punished for what he did .. He shouldn't be allowed to work at the office. I wish they gave the family the right to slap him in the face .. for everyone in his family. what an asshole. "no comment"? He should be apologizing every time he was approached for a comment. His morals and his conscience is dead.
And the worst is that … that ugly murderer is arrogant and claims he is not guilty in the most aggressive and ugly way.
The only “sovereign citizens” are law enforcement, politicians, and government employees.
There's a whole lot more to this story. This was a hit, plain and simple.
Bunch of dogs not worth a pinch of shit
This case pisses me off omfg are u kidding me? So ur saying they get charged for the burglary charge at that house but not the murder?? Yea I can see how that makes sense!!🙄🙄🤬 Wtf that’s some bs.!! Never heard of a thing, must of been a ghost.!! Smfh See this is the problem with our system to many scumbag lowlife corrupt cops, DA’s and Judges and these pos ppl get away with murder.!! 5 yrs also? He’s out in 2.5 like wow… I’m sorry but I woulda took matters into my own hands, sorry but it’s true and I’d sit in jail happy as a goat.. That’s just me tho bcuz for someone to go free bcuz of some corrupt bs is pathetic and enrages me.!! I feel so so bad for this family and how heartbroken they will be forever.!! That void is gunna cause so much damage.!! Ughh smfh 💔💔🤬🤬
جزاكم الله خيرا
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
استغفر الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم و اتوب اليه
سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وآلله اكبر و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان آلله العظيم
الله يرحمه و يغفر له ويسكنه الفردوس الاعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته و مغفرته و جوده و كرمه سبحانه
The system failed to bring justice for Dimitri and his family. 💔 Rest in peace Dimitri. 🌹
That is unbelievable that the prosecution makes a mistake and they get off Scott free basically! The prosecutor should b in trouble, and that should b grounds for another trial!! Something here needs to change.. and God see’s everything.,
The prosecution literally let a murder get away……… the prosecutor who was supposed to send him to jail, got him out… how stupiddddddd.
Wow this dude does think he’s above the law. I’m sorry for your loss of Dimitri it was such a loss. The law system failed you by wanting to ensure your justice. But made a huge mistake
He will kill again and then another innocent life will be lost. And that’s the justice system in the US.
Why is there no second trial of the case?