Eric Jones is on the run after ex-wife Janina Jefferson’s death. Jefferson was a single mother of three who was gunned down at the Town of Appalachia Water Treatment Plant, where she worked, in Virginia. Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona is on the hunt for Jones’ whereabouts so Jefferson’s family can finally get some answers.
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Was he ever caught??
It’s always and I mean always always always the short little man that abuses women just the cowards of the world all 5 foot 7 of this WHIMP
My heart breaks for these children. I just don't understand how people can do things like this. it's disgusting.! I pray for safety over these kids and pray that they can heal and someone some good can come out of this for them. I don't know if that is possible, but I pray it can be. I pray that this dude is found and be brought to justice.
It’s sad to see Trey. He looks broken
He is still on the run
Is he in jail yet??
What thugs can try to kill someone & the stupid judge let's them out??? Sue that idiot!!!!!
Did they get him yet
Can’t believe some women, look after your kids first.
Time run out for him sooner or later he can't run forever every killer pays the price in the end and Eric Jones is no different he's got evil cold-blooded murder on his hands maybe another reason why Eric has never been found chances are he could have left the country or he's got family and friends hiding him and then chances are Eric could have got in over his head with the wrong people and they might have killed him so that's possibly another reason why they ain't been able to find him
Eric Jones what a scumbag
Do give out crackhead vibes and that makes him even harder to find crackheads don't even need to eat or drink water as long as he and somebody Hood smoking crack he can Loki probably stay hidden for the rest of his life and another thing you telling me his mama being a well-known pastor and she ain't heard from her son every since he did The Killing I'm black and I have a black family black families keep in touch especially if it was a death in the family so I don't know if I could believe that💯🤦🏽♂️🙏🏽
The kids tho 😢
Eric Jones is fine asf 😍
The one time it would have paid to be a little judgmental.
How many red flags do you need.
I bet his Bible thumping parents know his whereabouts.
Eric Jones is a piece of 💩
Start killing all who kill then we can stop supporting them all.
That tearful cop is fantastic.
A gentle approach when knocking on the door can yield more results then an accusatory tone
Check Our Father's House in Pottsville PA, on Center St. There's a couple of look-alikes of him down there. They move assholes and drug dealers around our nation to have them avoid prosecution. There's a guy down there matching his look. About 5' 10", smokes, and comes on to women if they pass by going to Rite Aid.
Wow they still ain't found him
Maybe the annoying reporter can go knock on the home of the judge who let him out 15 years early.
dang remote neuron hooked her up- was there remote neuron writing involved? What did the d2bw think? For sure targeting mixed race couples is classic neuron writing by the 9/11 demolitioners and Kennedy killers and so on that no doubt have some remote neuron writing tech- they are like not-sees that do-see, and justify their remote crimes by claiming that it does good- sounds crazy but you get to know about d2bw eventually and many d2bw consumers already know it all and have for centuries
How did he do 5yrs out of 20? I get good behavior…. But he was facing multiple charges 1 being Attempted murder.! Then after all that got arrested for strangling her at her work.. Let out on bond.🤦♂️🤯🤔
Montreal Quebec Canada is where this dudes at
Eric Monroe Jones is still at large. $10,000 reward offered
Toll status: paid
She chose to ignore the statistics.
De da de da de da hello were the police………..were the uneducated stupid ones, they only solve crimes the with clever educated CSI scientists.