Was baby Bianca Jones the casualty of a carjacking or something more sinister? Crime Watch Daily’s Jason Mattera has the story.
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Was baby Bianca Jones the casualty of a carjacking or something more sinister? Crime Watch Daily’s Jason Mattera has the story.
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Her mother isn't a reliable witness. Especially someone dumb enough to become this man's 7th baby mother.
The 2 factors that make me think he's guilty- the way he was acting at baby's gma house when supposedly he was just carjacked(whipering crying hysterical not giving details of his car to 911 like wtf), and cadaver dog hits.
Not to mention, she's a baby.. so why are you "paddling" her at all?!
He did it. That 911 call says it all. If someone takes your kid, your gonna remember everything about that car and creep. The fact that he wouldn't even give a partial description tells me he was buying time and didn't have his story straight yet. He's more than guilty.
Dog smelled death on car seat and in the home yet the defense attorney claims it was him needing to use the bathroom lol
nancy grace has always been the type to make it guilty from the start i can't stand her she think she is king shit
A scorched women is a dangerous one
This type of car jacking is common with stealing kids and trafficking them. Why, do we not see the trafficking trade at work because it is not run by common people. FBI and Cops are involved and that makes it confusing on who is corrupt and who is ignorant and who is covering things up. This man is innocent and shame on this corrupt system! Shame on them for using his past to create a believable lie.
I beg to differ when your using a stick!!!! Why you need that to smack your child ?? Using it to get their attention??? This is ridiculous and for potty training a two year old it's even more ridiculous.
Who the hell makes something to hit children with it? 😡
Why would you hit a 2 year old for wetting the bed. It's a two-year old child . This case doesn't make sense. Cadaver dogs are very rarely wrong. The dad obviously was hitting the child and went too far and killed her by mistake and disposed of her body. Why else would a cadaver dog hit on the bedroom and the car for the scent of a body. I feel for Bianca's mother her child is dead and she is in denial. He needs to just give up and tell the truth and let her mom have her remains so she can grieve.,
The mother is such a fool
The dad is lying
He killed his daughter. I do believe it was an accident.
Meanwhile she's probably being raped and tortured by some evil monster
Why didn’t they lift fingerprints from the car. If it’s only his and no one else’s then that proves he did it.
What an ignorant lawyer,,, ‘ how do you know the dog didnt want to go to the bathroom’ … I sometimes think defence lawyers are worse than the people they defend….
Dog: Barks because he stepped on a rock
Police: That’s all we needed…arrest him.
His idiot defense attorney “how do I know the dog didn’t see a female dog, or was hungry, or had to go to the bathroom” these dogs are highly trained and those things wouldn’t cause the dog to alert. It could’ve caused him to be distracted, but not alert.
The mother is on drugs
Intimidation doesn't work on me!!!
Why did this police officer put herself in that awkward position by talking crap without proof when a man's life is at stake??? Is that her Law Enforcement training on exhibit? And if it is then we're all in trouble!!
Potty trained…. TO DEATH! Cmon CWD. Did yall run that by someone before you aired it🤔🤨🤷🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️
1. He stopped his car for random strangers with a child in the back. He claims they produce guns and took his car [yea!]
2. Was able to reach the relative's house [I wish a time frame was given to how long it took him to arrive] .. did no effort to call the police or give any information about the car or the people who took her ..
3. He kept hyperventilating which is very fake > No hyperventilation last this long [he was running] .. so to have an episode that leads to this: it means anxiety hyperventilation which would mean tightened airway, heavy lungs, coughing, difficulty in taking breaths or expanding lungs [none seen]
4. DID someone look at his clothes when he arrived at the relative house? I wish they took them because he can shake leaves but soil and plant materials could be extracted > very missed opportunity
5. He has anger issues and he is abusive to his kids > paddling a 2 years old baby over wetting a bed is wrong on many levels.
I am convinced he killed that baby and I hope his soul will never rest.
– that cadaver dog is trained to bark when smelling a body .. you don't sit here trying to invalidate that. disgusting.
But if your car is hijacked,why don't you call 911 immediately esp when your child is in there
I don’t think they had enough evidence to charge him
He killed her!
You CAN"T believe anything Nancy says… shes been wrong more times then right! She does her crap for viewers! I BELIEVE HIM!!! I am no one but my gut is telling me he is telling the truth! The truth is going to come out, she is still alive! This was very much planned, they wanted this little girl!
Fuck Nancy Grace
1st degree murder wth …. I don't think he did it
Why have 7 children and kill the last one? The other children would have stories of trauma or abuse but not one does.
I don't know if the man is actually guilty. I'm not convinced especially since he had warrants out for his arrest.
Omg, they should have known not to go on Nancy Grace!!! And those dogs were junk science, probably barking at cat shit or something, smh. If they allowed dogs why not a lie detector test?
Wow I hope she is OK but that's one fucked up homemade stick for getting you daughter to go on a potty strange one.. For sure.
His fiancé seems pretttyyyyy suspicious………….
Something is odd and off, if he didn’t kill his baby he knows who did !