Pt. 3: Trans Teen’s Dreams Cut Short After Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 3: Trans Teen’s Dreams Cut Short After Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Who killed transgender teen Mercedes Williamson, who had dreams of becoming a celebrity hair and makeup artist in California? Crime Watch Daily’s Nerissa Knight has the story.

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32 thoughts on “Pt. 3: Trans Teen’s Dreams Cut Short After Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Sonny and Cher’s daughter transited to a man. Some feel they are trapped, believe they should not be sex they were born.

    Brad and Angelia Jolie have daughter. Dresses in man’s clothes. I knew someone was a Tom Boy. Many years later I was surprised when saw their hair different and wore a dress.

    To me, doesn’t matter what person looks like on the outside. It’s inside the counts. Prayers for family, friends, and community

  2. his friends probably found out and told him so he had to act like he just found out & reacted the way he thought they would think he should react

  3. She left him alone
    He went and found her to keep messing with her.
    He brought her around other gang members (which was stupid)
    Then you kill her because you didn’t want people to know you are gay yet YOU was the one who kept bringing her around.

  4. Maybe he planned this murder long time before cos he knew he would go to prison.
    And he didn’t hide he actually confessed which makes me think this dude was dying to go back to prison.

    I guess he got the taste for penis at the all you can eat buffet..

  5. It's hard for me to understand why Mercedes mother would allow her to date 27 year old man she was 17. Secondly I don't believe Josh when he says that he didn't know that Mercedes was trans, and that's why he killed her… Josh knew way before he killed her so the gang wouldnt find out he was involved with a trans teen…. Josh is straight out evil he deserves what he it's. My condolences to Mercedes family and friends, rest in peace Mercedes…

  6. It’s the investigator saying “How do you have a penis attack when you see his but you got a phone full of penises!” Boyyyy I slapped my knee on that one! 🤣🤣🤣 idiot!

  7. This whole thing is a terrible tragedy…. The only thing I can think of is why didn't she break it off. Obviously she had been around this gang n knew they both had to stay hush hush for a reason. I think she knew getting in the car that day she should be leery. Either way she didn't deserve this but maybe she was blinded by love she was young, n possible she didn't see the danger's that lay ahead. Poor girl poor family, n not trying to say anything bad but I think he loved her but lived by certain laws that one takes a life oath to protect. He knew it was forbidden, he knew

  8. She's pleading for her life, and he still kills her??!! Judging by the level of the crime, Josh is a piece of increment!! The man has no soul or remorse. He's subhuman. But Why get involved with gang members?

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