The nature surrounding Lindsay Buziak’s killing suggests it was a personal attack.
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The nature surrounding Lindsay Buziak’s killing suggests it was a personal attack.
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If there was a getaway car waiting out back, then why would they go out the front door in the first place? (As said by Jason, that he saw them go out the front then immediately go back in).. Wouldn’t they just go out the back to begin with if that was their getaway plan? Plus then there’s less risk you would be noticed.
The fact that your daughter did drugs and you can't admit it
Jason and his mommy.
It has been 15 years since Lindsay has been killed. This is a tough case. I wish her Father the very best.
So sorry for your lost 😢😢😢😢
Gods wrath is going to be so bad for whoever did this
He’s got power. Whoever took that girls life.. “ you got it coming. You need to pray the police get you before her dad”❤😮😢
Find out who gave out her number
Her farther needs to hire a very good PI, someone outside of this shithole who has no connections whatsoever to its cops. Jason and his mother obviously have a lot to say about the case, and so as numerous dash cam and other surveillance records. Based on everything I read about this case, it seems that Lindsay could witness a crime by Jason's family and wanted to leave Jason and his mom despite them trying to buy her back with an expensive condo and other stuff. I have a feeling that the only real problem with this crime is that it was committed in a small town, where every one known everyone, with little competition and, hence, competence among law enforcement and PIs.
I'm.kind of baffled the father hasnt thought about competition in his work… I'm guessing he is a real estate agent too… Hot shot agents are notorious for hating each other… Wouldn't be surprised if someone I. His business took her out… Sounds like a setup made by a real estate agent… This family has enemies.
Omg this was posted 5 years ago! Any new information about this case? I have so many questions!! How did the Murders get out of the house? Out the back door? Ok if that's the case where did they go? What about their car? It had to of been left out front of the house! Also this was a Million dollar house and NOT one other house in and around it had cameras 🤨
She was brutally stabbed 40 time's who ever did this had to of been covered in blood but yet the detectives found nothing? Not a finger print no blood trail no surveillance footage? I have SO many unanswered questions! I really hope they figure this one out and her dad 💔 what a good man. My heart breaks for him.
Do the cops know how they left and don’t want to say (though the front door or the back fence or something)
Did anyone notice the watch in her boyfriend 's hand in the video when he opened the door to explain to the police the watch was in his left hand but in the CCTV camera the watch was in his right look at his pictures with Lindsay it always in his left
Calgary is where I’m from as well it’s a beautiful city. I wish there was an update on this case.
I hope this father has found out who did this to his precious daughter, I can’t imagine.
The killers should be afraid of the father.
I really do love the father
The Burner phone bought 3 months before the murder and the drug bust 6 weeks so don't think it was drug related
This is sad very sad indeed. I so feel sorry for linzy and most of all her loving dad. He won't let go that easy. And he shouldn't. I just pray and find of a little clue the authority should get to solve this case. Good luck to dad to find that one person who did this horribale to his daughter.
The BF not being there, alibi sewn up makes me think he dropped her name. What was his involvement with these people & the cocaine bust?
Boyfriend hired killer.
14 years on never forgotten Lindsey Buziak justice for lindsey thinking of her loving family 🙏💕🙏🕯️🕊️🕯️🕊️
The clue is when that burner phone was used to lure her to her death. It was purchased 3 months before her murder and she went back to Calgary at this time and had contact with a known drug dealer on Facebook. It's connected 100% to that big drug bust. She fucked someone's money up and the Sinaloa cartel are ruthless. Have you seen what they do to people who snitch to the police?
Stupid theory..
No real updates, but the fbi is now involved in the case
This is outrageous.
Look, dear head of PD: If you won't solve the crime you are entitled not to do so. But please no more talking about there was no motive, or weird motives related to Linsay's trip in December.
The motive is very clear: She was intending to leave the BF and the whole family, and she had seen (literally) horrible things around that family and/or their company.
So please stop the ceremony of confusion, and focus on that.
Have they considered the 6 ft “woman in the dress” could be a man?
"Im capable of that Anna" I dnt believe so sir😅
Something wrong is with Lindsay friend, when he shows the policeman how he entered the house and how he went straight upstairs, this so-called friend when he speaks has no feelings, does not cry, does not sigh, does not leave a tear, it is simply not the behavior of a normal man who he lost his girlfriend.
you spend millions of dollars. yeah okay. you get paid by our taxes.
The key is the father. Someone got revenge the father, followed the leak.
Who cares how much money the police has spent? That's dumb.
The boyfriend had something to do with it what doesn't make sense is that if you're looking for someone u wouldn't go straight up stairs would u either look downstairs and shout out their name. Not once in the tour did he mention he looked around the house on the bottom floor. What is more scary is that he went straight to the master bedroom in his own words he said something like "My friend came and opened the door and I shouted for Lindsay ran up the stairs straight into the master bedroom." Why the master bedroom first? Correct me if I'm wrong but if u go to pt2 and see the layout of the house the master bedroom is not the first room in the house he skipped all the other rooms and went straight down to the master bedroom. Which u have to turn and face straight he went in and seen her. Maybe it's just me but it's a coincidence how he didn't think of checking the bottom, he never went in straight away, he went straight upstairs into the master bedroom. Kind of knowing she'd be their.
Maybe committed the perfect crime. Well planned.