Pt. 4: Hollywood Exec Vanishes Amid Affair – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 4: Hollywood Exec Vanishes Amid Affair – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

After Hollywood executive and former collegiate basketball star, Gavin Smith disappeared, many of his secrets came to the surface. Smith had a young mistress, an addiction to painkillers, and financial troubles, leaving many to wonder whether he took off on his own or was harmed by someone else. Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia has the story.

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26 thoughts on “Pt. 4: Hollywood Exec Vanishes Amid Affair – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Rest In Peace Gavin u didn’t deserve to die under such horrific circumstances at the hands of a road raging monster even if the choice u made was a bad one.
    Creech is an “Animal” who doesn’t deserve to ever again see the light of day…..he should have been given the death penalty and all other accomplices,they should have been jailed!
    Condolences to the family.

  2. James 1:14 But every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it brings forth sin, and sin, when it is finished, bring forth death. People God’s words is Real and it means what it says, and does just what it says. Peace!

  3. That guy is a body builder ??? No way. Also what the heck? This man is bloody nuts along with his wife they should be charged on all accounts Gavin deserves way better 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  4. I don’t understand how a judge said about the defendants that he only thinks of him self
    The other was warned and he didn’t stop
    Isn’t that he was just thinking about him self

  5. Thetr are mamy fos of addicytion & many stories of live found in rehab
    SO.have concluded THAT.when finding the .courage to face what MOST see as addiction..pople are looking fir a ROPE to hold onto
    Often god sometimes a fellow traveller .So they bonded & became each othets " new " addiction

    Very very sad
    Further proof of the importance of friiends & family AND .a son who in adoolescent ignorance disgarded his Father . The jury eere sanctonious twitss of the very girst water ( British cluche )

  6. Would the asstt DA say justice was served if his brother's/father's killer got an eleven year sentence? I think he fought a bad case and he's now giving face saving statements. Immunity to everyone? That's ridiculous

  7. ESH – the two in the affair (Gavin and Chandrika) and John Creech…including the jury. At the end of the day, you just don't mess with a marriages woman thoses husband can donyounserious harm and will kill you.

  8. I feel sorry for his wife & sons but really Smith did not respect his family. Imagine his boys put their lives in danger by going to this man's home begging for their fathers life, if he had stop. This would not happen. The jury had no choic when a man catch you with his wife any verdicts reasonable.

  9. And give me a break, Gavin was not the great man they make him out to be. His legacy was one of cheating, drugging, and not caring about his sons. He was not a good man

  10. 7:07 this man is so fucking stupid, majority of murder especially from a couple is from jealous partners, ex’s or lovers who can’t be with the one they love. So they kill so no one else can have them either, which is selfish.

  11. I know its heartbreaking but he knows what will happen to him if he keep cheating to his wife and kids, but he didn't stop..that's why he killed. The verdict is not good in the eyes of other but…

  12. Man, at the end when his brother made a statement about him being "larger than life" and when he hit his chest over his heart saying, "I'll always remember him here" while crying and turning red was one of the most heartwarming and dad things I've seen on here. I've seen a lot too… But this just resonated with me in a way that made me almost break down myself.

  13. I'll never understand this type of behavior. Not happy…divorce! You don't have to murder anyone EVER. If straying is happening, generally means, not happy. If you can't put it back together, then leave!
    That man was murdered! Sounded premeditated to me, but I wasn't a juror. My prayers are with the family.
    Sad for the family😢

  14. From the actual evidence, there were no evidence proven that Mr Creek plan to murder Mr Smith but out of the act of rage and jealousy he ultimately physically just beat the hell out of Mr Smith, let's keep this real, Mr Smith put himself in harm's way and paid the ultimate price with his life and that black prosecutor is so freaking Wrong, yes there are Thousands criminal case's were people have lost their lives for cheating and infidelity through out history in the world…

  15. I feel sorry for the boys, to be involved in their fathers choices of being involved with a married woman and her dangerous husband. As far as killing him was of course horrible but hopefully people will understand not to cheat. Get a divorce and move on then.

  16. I've said so many times that if you are not happy get a divorce,a full divorce before you go poking around. Many murders happen because of affairs,not saying dude was right but if you put yourself in that position there's always a possibility that the scorned person will kick your ass if not worse. Just don't cheat,not hard

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