Molly Young’s ex-boyfriend said she shot and killed herself in his apartment. But the nature of her death has some wondering if she really committed suicide, or if someone killed her. Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia has the story.
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It's crazy how the police cover up and go all in to protect their own
How you ask ‘Can I hang up now’
You can tell the cop knew something he was so defensive smh everyone knows he did it
Another Masonic Sleeper Murder. These people are MK Ultra'd in Freemasonic Lodges and set loose on the public usually at age 33…….these are not real people. These are trained assassins. The Police are Freemasons as well and also corrupted like Judges and that is why we see so much INJUSTICE. IT IS BY DESIGN and this is just THEATER we see in the Courts,
And this guy is freely walking on the streets?
This just pissed me off! The police should’ve done a better job on investigating this case just like if it was one of their own family members that was murder. It shows how corrupted the police can be.
DNA under Molly's finger nails. Scratches on him. The call can I hang up now. This was like I and over this all ready I want to hang up.
Is crazy when the investigation from police doesn't add. Is obviously the boy friend did the service. You can hear clearly his voice on the call. My gosh.
This cop is the biggest liar I’ve ever seen!! Talk about corruption.
That chief is covering like crazy! What the heck?! The police always protect their own. Pathetic and inappropriate! So sad
There’s great reason why this idiot officer is former…
Maybe this was the universe getting revenge for her killing her baby
Why not commit suicide at home if she was suicidal, she decided she would kill herself at her boyfriends house,and he called her remember!
The “chief” was astounding to watch. He dodged most questions, slipped and slid out of responsibility, very obviously got upset with the “did I say that? I never said that.” Shit and in the end claimed ignorance. Like dude you were the chief of POLICE.. just bc these cops didn’t admit to any wrongdoing doesn’t mean none happened, and surely doesn’t mean you can let them get away with it.. had they been civilians who just didn’t own up to any wrongdoing would he have just let it go without any investigation? LOL no. He sounds ridiculous.. no I haven’t reprimanded anyone bc no one told me they did anything wrong. He’s an idiot. And in no way was he forthcoming in that interview.. his answers alone were enough to look into the bf and if I didn’t think the department mishandled this case I 100% do after hearing that man squirm under the slightest pressure.. bc any cop who was doing real/quality police work and had trust/faith in his deputies and departments ability to carry out proper procedures wouldn’t have to act like that in an interview.
The chief is 1000% doing his best to cover up and make the department look the best he can, the way they handled this case was so beyond negligent. They let him clean up?!? Are you kidding? Now they are doing the best they can to keep it out of court so they aren’t drug over the coals for this shit. When you have a family who loves someone like this family loves this young lady, you have people to answer too when shit like this happens. A suicide?? But she had no gun shot residue on her hands??? He “slept” through a gunshot that went off mere inches from his head?? She shot herself with her left and when she’s right handed?? He got scratches from her hands while he gave her dead body CPR?? His calm ass voice when he’s reporting his gf dead?? I know the last one can be disputed but come on. He killed her, and bc he worked DISPATCH he got away with it. I mean it’s one thing as a cop, they stick together (not saying it’s right) but this man answers phones at a desk??? If this doesn’t end with a conviction and half the department being reprimanded or let go.. I will be irate. It’s stories like this, you hear constantly, that give the public such LITTLE respect/faith in our judicial system. All you gotta do it know somebody and not be black. It’s fucked up. This family has all kinds of people working to get this case just heard in court.. and it probably won’t happen. The fact that so many people and so many voices still doesn’t change shit makes me sick.
The dispatcher gasp…both of them are in a relationship… that is strange.
How in hell, someone that was sleeping in her parents home at night, and then she woke up in midnight to suicide in her boyfriend house?🤔🤨This is ridiculous.😏This cops are trying to cover up.😒My heart breaks💔for her parents and her sister.😔My condolences to the family.😢May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.👏🏼😭😭😭
It sure looks like he did it but Iv also seen and heard if people getting harassed and stalked till their life’s fall apart only to find out they’re innocent.
calling bs
serious corruption
Why is broken up into so many six minutes segments it should just be one whole
Law Maker is the Law Breaker,Cover there on scratch.what you see, what you hear when you go leave it there.
Who was the 3rd male under her nails!
Richie's made-up story is as bad as his teeth!!!
When I was in high school I wrote a lot of poems about sadness and hopelessness. But never thought about suicide. I'm scared of my mom if I do that. She would beat the hell out of me.
Her dad is on it
They THEYYYYY killed her , and it was at 5 am the mother felt it!!!!!!!!
It's SUPER AMAZING how many police/dispatchers/LEO related people's spouses/gfs "kill themselves"
So they overlook her being shot through the top of her head hell no she was killed