Pt. 4: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 4: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily has the story of an overly aggressive male boss, his frightened female employee and a wedding night that would end in murder.

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46 thoughts on “Pt. 4: Pregnant Woman Killed After Attending Wedding with Boss – Crime Watch Daily

  1. This is the jobs fault too. They never do their job at corperate when someone brings an allegation to them. He shouldn't have been able to use his power of authority to do something like that. I would have recorded his attempts and sent it. Also if the coworkers knew this I hope they reported him before too because abuse is never permitted or excused at any job. Shame on them for not acting sooner they would have saved two lives

  2. If someone in your life ever ties you up "to talk to you," PLEASE go to the police, and stay away from that person. For your own safety, and because while you may never know it, putting them on law enforcement's radar may save lives.

  3. Im not trying to say anything wrong towards the women who lost her life… but if the. Dude is going around telling ppl yall are dating snd ur not… or hes obviously obsessed with u then its prob not smart to go on a date and sleep in the same room as him

  4. GOOD FOR SHERRIE! I hope those women who voted not guilty (for being drunk?!) get what they deserve. That's like them denying sex to their male teach who is drunk and being okay when they murder you because they were drunk. They are also evil for protecting this monster! I'm not a religious person, but they should burn in hell for this. I'm so disgusted that they put this mother through this extra pain. To deny justice for this poor girl and baby. It's unforgivable.

  5. If he said he blacked out and had no memory you could almost say it was a shame but to fully admit to taking two lives on purpose and remember preparing a cord to restrain her thats cruel to then listen to a lawyer and change your plea and make her mother go through all that crap

  6. Great! But long ago, in the first place, why did USA have the kind of law to find a person not guilty for crimes he did? Example if he says he had taken drugs or having hallucination or have mental disorder, etc, and if found he really did have that, he's freed? What a crazy law. Imagine, if the victim, being murdered or raped or whatever is u own family, husband or wife?

  7. Does Wisconsin have the death sentence? If it does why didn’t he get it? In fact a sheriff should of just taken this twisted thing into the woods and shot him. Sure would save a lot of tax payers money . Kills a pregnant woman then raped the corps if that’s not a death sentence then what is? Drinking defense HA! That’s a bunch of crap a person that blacks out does not have recall like he had. Alcohol should not be allowed as an excuse frick that. I’m a mother of 3 daughters I can’t even imagine this mother’s pain. She might of had justice if he was put down like a rabid dog 😡

  8. All because of a job. I think pregnant women are demeaned when it comes to being treated fairly. Poor little Avon didn't even get to take her first breathe because the waste man wanted her mother to open her legs to him. The fact that he had cameras watching her that alone should have made them see that this man was obsessed with her

  9. My personal opinion is to execute monster's demons devil's this type of evil requires the ultimate punishment if there executed for these violent crimes other's will think twice knowing what there Faith would be. Ppl who rape are not capable of change there a waste of life they don't deserve to breath prison cost tax payers money why continue to support these non humans kill them kill them all just remove the very existence!!! My opinion!!! RIP

  10. This is why women need to speak up when they are assaulted by a boyfriend or husband. Because if the last girlfriend had gone to the police when he tied her feet they could have charged him then

  11. as big a piece of shit this guy is he is slightly better than alot of the people they show on these he at least called the cops right after and didnt lie and run. still a piece of shit tho

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