Pt. 5: How Did Baby Bianca Jones Disappear? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 5: How Did Baby Bianca Jones Disappear? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Was baby Bianca Jones the casualty of a carjacking or something more sinister? Crime Watch Daily’s Jason Mattera has the story.

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41 thoughts on “Pt. 5: How Did Baby Bianca Jones Disappear? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. The girlfriend is telling the truth, a man doesnt know the strength they have when angry. And with a paddle mind you. She was 2yrs old she was tiny. Someone that little couldn't take a hit from a grown ass man. I believe he want to far in beating her. Got scared mad the carjacking story up to cover his tracks. I didn't see or hear of he called the police on said carjacking. I think he is guilty.

  2. They don’t need a new trial…. There needs to be a whole new investigation… PERIOD… but while the investigation going on…. Lock the two baby mothers up…..the ones involved in the threesome…. They know what’s going on…Seem like the two women are SILLY and would do anything for this nice looking man….just to say they have someone…. He can manipulate them into saying and doing anything…. They stupid like that…. A lot of women are putting a MAN in front of their children…. That’s what theses two silly azz women did….. WHERE IS BABY BIANCA

  3. idc I feel like
    He did have sum to do with it cuz he said when he went to his homeboy house the baby was in the car but the homeboy said She wasn’t in the car…..the mom sticking beside him is crazy n she’s barely
    Showing emotion fr

  4. The little girl babysister I felt very sorryfr wanting her sister back tht parent her she's not shoeing any emotion. She smug abit she's dirty threesome and she has kids those kids shld not be with er include child missing

  5. Police who brushed those sightings off should be charged too. I see why the world is in the shape it’s in today, because “Common Sense” has completely left the earth. I think everyone from Donald “dumb a—s” Trump on down to the common people, have all gone completely insane.🤪

  6. If they couldn’t get the police to investigate that house, couldn’t they have gone to a higher level of authority, the feds, Supreme Court, somebody. This is 2 people of authority saying they saw this missing child at this house and nothing else happens? Make it make sense. This is too dumb to be real. And the dad’s live-in woman should be jailed for being dumb as hell and being a big Liar. ( a—s kicking needed too)

  7. Why would the mom be involved??? That makes no sense whatsoever! She's the one who requested D'andre to help watch the baby so she could work. She was defending him in trial. This further makes me believe he is guilty of killing his baby. They're just blaming everyone else for no reason.

  8. Look at the mother's face when he asks her if she knows the owner of the house. Everything she says and does after that is over reaction. 🤥 Lying……. you have to watch what they say and how they say. Speaking in terms like I wish I was there when she was there is a dead giveaway.. I don't know what they stood to gain from it. Being a defense witness was clever too. I honestly thought he wouldn't get convicted. Interesting case for sure. The fiance knew something and so did his nephew. Feel bad for the poor guy.

  9. I have a reasonable doubt and so should everybody so why is he in jail. If he is guilty God will take care of that. It's not right this man could very well be innocent and they have him in jail. The justice system sucks and that judge seemed to take this case personal whats with all her anger? Weird.

  10. This fiance is suspect as hell….this man needs another trial is cant believe he was convicted!! Its heartbreaking they need to investigate this further something isnt right….

  11. Mom had nothing to do with it. The second she asked to keep the age progression photo, you KNEW she hasn't seen her daughter. She had no involvement.

    The fiancee… She seems odd. I'd be asking questions about those lies. For sure. She had access. It was baby so anyone could have done this quite easily unfortunately.

  12. the bad part they claim to seen her but dont take pictures of Bianca to show proof they she's in that house maybe i'm wrong they anybody showed any pictures of Bianca around that house

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