Lauren Agee went camping with friends for Tennessee’s Wakefest event and died on the trip. The nature of her death has raised some questions about what really happened to her. Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia speaks with Agee’s mother and investigates the strange circumstances surrounding the young woman’s death.

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By elboriyorker


48 thoughts on “Pt. 5: Justice For Lauren Agee – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen”
  1. I just watched this on MTV True Crime and I am absolutely floored! You can’t say the last of 3 people that were with Lauen DIDN’T know what REALLY HAPPENED!! And the cops who initially ruled it as a supposed “accident” did a REALLY BAD JOB! There was no Rape Kit or fingernail scrapings done! This just DOES NOT ADD UP! SOMEONE OR SOMEONES know something! Please talk and let Lauren’s family get closure!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼♥️♥️

  2. This happened in my town, Smithville (Dekalb co.) TN and let me just say that none of this surprises me. All us locals know that the government body here is so crooked that it needs braces. When Lauren told her mother where she was going that should have been the first red flag. These "events" are the only thing that keeps this shithole of a town floating. Not to mention all us locals also know not to cliff jump unless you're stupid or have a death wish. Case in point being that a bunch of out of town Chad's were jump off the cliff at sligo near the bridge a few years ago and, not putting the lower lake level in to consideration, jumped and landed an a submerged crane and died.

  3. It was probly hannah that did it her new boyfriend was probly attracted to her friend and she got mad and hit her and they all covered it up .. But one of them knows what happened I'm shocked because people get found guilty for alot less .. I guess one of there families knows someone pretty high up in the law enforcement / legal community

  4. They’re saying they plead the fifth because they don’t know how to lie, they avoided the interviewer because I bet they feel guilty and they didn’t have a lie prepared to speak to the public.

  5. They weren’t her friends honestly! Who parties after your “friend” dies!
    They are trash people.
    The fact that they kayak to right where she was abs no one else did….. and the mark on her body

  6. Laurens mom, needs Americas help. If you have a ❤️, if you have money to spare, help her, please. You can amagine, what she is going threw. That poor girl was murdered. I think all three of them contributed to her death.

  7. Stout probably tried to have sex with her, she rebuffed him, he became enraged, killed her. Aaron and Hannah are weak, probably helped him dispose of body, at the very least they knew he killed her and are hiding it. WEAK ASS BITCHES

  8. What I can’t figure out is why the sheriff is hell bent on the whole accident theme?? He is clearly letting someone get by with murder! Why? Why would a sheriff help 3 criminals? That’s clearly what he is doing. Could it be just simply to lazy to investigate? Why is he covering this up for these 3 F O O L S?

  9. One of the guys was way too drunk and tried to rape her. She fought back and there was a struggle. The murder wasn’t pre meditated. But it happened and the other friends helped cover it up by saying she fell.

  10. Fyi: Theres a podcast called Without Warning with Sheila Wyscoki…theres sup to be 8 episodes on the podcast…says new witnesses revealed. – I really hope they reopen this case…its literally a few hrs away from me & its stuck with me the past few yrs…just heartbreaking…prays to the mother & fam….keep fightin momma!!!💓💓

  11. Lauren was murdered period. That girl hannah and her b.f are not her friends! Hannah and guys were probably so jealous and had evil intentions. 'Hannah and Erin killed her!. Posting best weekend ever?! No one wants to talk? Wth! Her poor family. Justice system is so broken

  12. We’re there no cameras anywhere? There were a huge group of people there. Nobody noticed anything? I don’t believe that. Has anybody sent out questionnaires to all who attended the event to see if anybody heard anything during that night? How is it that your friend is missing and you are partying and not looking for her. That’s fucked up. I think Lauren’s sandals were placed by up there.

  13. God not sleeping??????? Day is coming soon!!!!! Devil doent play fair!!!!!!! One is going to talk come out of the closet or guy in jail is only to speak soon or later truth come out!!!!! I cant wait you know who did this to Lauren Agee Taylor!!!!!!! She did not drowned…. she didnt have water in her lungs!!!!! People that Drowned sink down……who kill her she was in the water of the lake before. Mark of the canoe too. Clothes didnt fit her. To small on her. Bad friends still partying having fun?????? Doesnt this rings a bell????? Or paying the court or the cops to shut up. Nobody is stupid move to Florida…. all be in jail.

  14. No rape test done, no freaking dental impression.. evidence taken?! No evidence or dna taken or at least swabbed from her body?! If she had had water in her lungs, sure, don’t bother doing all these things, but… regardless, she.. was with three people, she’s DEAD, she bruised and battered and… why not just do everything you could do for a family? For an innocent persons life. Unbelievable. Peoples stories are changing, the people who last were with her!! Plead the fifth?! Answer the POLICE, FBI, whatever. Tell the truth.

  15. Entitled creep meets ugly creep. They trade deviant thoughts and fantasies. Entitled creep gets girlfriend. Creeps want another girl to come along and use Hannah's social media as a menu. Set up camp on top cliff for alibi. Slip girlfriend a sleeping pill and Wakefest turns to Rapefest. With everyone down below sleeping off sun and alcohol no one would hear her if she did scream. Strangle and down the cliff

  16. My question is if your innocent why can’t you say to the mom I’m sorry for your lost to cheer her up or something instead of acting guilty and walking away !! kArMa iS a bITcH ! Remember that 😭😂

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