Pulled Over For Driving Too Safely – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFS0E1iY2ko&

gregkaim’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2R_ldineJ-x6Zt2qdNcfMA


Texas Transportation Code § 545.363- http://bit.ly/3qR2scU

United States v. Cortez- http://bit.ly/3plXZPa

Richardson v. State- https://bit.ly/3c6Vo80

Rodriguez v. United States- http://bit.ly/2LS1sqc

United States v. Leslie- http://bit.ly/3cbt6t8

State v. Hollins- http://bit.ly/2YcerFL

Navarette v. California- http://bit.ly/2Nzuo6W

NHTSA: The Visual Detection of DWI Motorists- https://bit.ly/3cmQnsf

Dashcam video of the incident- https://bit.ly/3a5P2TN

California quota law: https://bit.ly/2LXtIrE

Traffic quota settlement: https://lat.ms/3iMnxT2


33 thoughts on “Pulled Over For Driving Too Safely”
  1. UPDATE 3: It appears that the tag has been removed. Thank you all for submitting feedback to let them know that this video was incorrectly tagged. Cheers to the AtA community!

    UPDATE 2: YouTube Support has forwarded the issue to their internal review team. They informed me that it would take a few days to investigate the issue. I have Tweeted Team YouTube to hopefully speed up the process. Again, please follow me on Twitter or Patreon in case anything happens to the channel.

    UPDATE: I am working with YouTube to get the sovereign citizen tag removed. It is likely due to the research I have been doing for a project that I am working on. I will update further as I know more. Please take time to follow me on Twitter or Patreon in case anything dramatic happens. You can find links to those in the description.

    Thanks for joining us! Check out the AtA Patreon page to take advantage of the limited time one year membership: https://www.patreon.com/audittheaudit

  2. Debatable legal? It either is, or isn't. Driving slower than the normal traffic, and continually braking, I would WANT someone to stop a driver, driving that way. Texas is one of the HIGHEST in the Nation for DWI and Deaths by DWI. So, as a Texan, this was all done right.

  3. He was not “driving too safely”. Y’all joke but it’s more dangerous to go 10 under than it is to go 10 over. @audittheaudiit, while I enjoy most of your videos, this was very biased and assuming in nature. You have absolutely no reason to talk about quotas. That was a 90s problem. As a servicemember, I have countless law enforcement friends all across the country. All of them say that quotas don’t exist anymore. This stop was cut and dry. Officers CAN enforce safety. Going too slow can be and is a threat to EVERYONE on the road. Do better bro.

  4. Hand the officer your license, proof of insurance, and registration. Say, "I've provided everything you need to write a ticket and I'm invoking the 5th. Please do not extend the stop any longer than to write the ticket."

  5. Driving well under the speed limit, in Texas, isn’t driving safely. Otherwise driving 10 mph in an 80 mph zone would be extra safe but it isn’t. It’s dangerous AF. Keep up with the flow of traffic. If you can’t do that, you should stay off the road.

  6. Why did the cop make him leave his car and sit in the front seat of the cop car? Never seen that before. I thought the cop was going to illegally search his vehicle. I would NOT want to exit my car for a warning.

  7. Nothing pisses me off more when a cop asks “Where are coming from? Where are you going and why your going there?” in such a demeaning way like we’re not allowed to or something. I was pulled over for a faulty taillight one time and had a cop ask why I was in “his town” and I’m like your town? What am I not allowed to be in “your town” or something? He goes “It’s just a question sir is there a reason why are you being so hostile towards me?” I replied with “hostile? What’s your definition of hostile? Cause my definition is definitely now how I’m acting towards you. I was just responding to your smart ass question about being ‘in your town’.” Then proceeds with the license, registration, and insurance please.” Which I had on my lap ready to hand him the moment he put his lights on me. I have all my documents ready in a page protector at all times for cops like this. They always want to make up some excuse as to “why your moving around in your car while I’m approaching your vehicle”, so I make sure it’s within reach and without much movement on my part. The cop has his partner come talk to me while he runs my paperwork then this officer decides to ask “where are you coming from? Why are you driving through this part of town and not on the freeway? Your license says you live 30 minutes from here which is the opposite direction your traveling.” I was absolutely dumbfounded like what!?!!! So your just assuming that I’m driving home then? I never told you where I’m going or where I’m coming from? He then says some crap about how people take these backroads to transport drugs in more discreet way than the using the highway, we just need to make sure your not one of them. I was pissed at this point, so your telling me that the reason for this entire stop wasn’t for the faulty taillight and your just out here fishing for “potential crime” I know my rights I don’t have to answer any of your demands , tell your partner to give me my fix it ticket and I’ll be on my way. He knew he fked up lol went and told his partner I messed up. Lmfao they give me my paperwork and license, give me a verbal warning then left. POS! I was waiting for the “smells like marijuana” any second so they could pull me out and search my vehicle. But they embarrassed themselves and kept it moving.

  8. It only took the cop a couple minutes to say I’m just making sure you’re OK. I never want to hear a police officer say that to me, every single time they just want to make sure you’re OK. Something really bad ends up happening.

  9. The cop wanted to claim he was driving 20 mph slower than others, while you could only ticket somebody for the actual speed limit and not how other drivers are driving 10 over. Always got to get that lie in, I have to document what I'm doing so I have to give you a ticket. We've all been subject to criminal and lying cops over the years but now an informed driver would say after he was told he was driving safe, am I free to go and not answered anything else.

  10. Can you please expand on the legality and requirement for a driver to be forced to exit the vehicle to SIT in the police car? It’s legal for cops to order people out of the vehicle but is a driver required to sit in the passenger seat of the police car? I see many states do this.

  11. Wasn't he impeding normal flow of traffic driving 60 on a road where people drive with 80? So then would make it a lawful stop no? So I guess nobody was behind him really but otherwise I support this lol. I hate people driving unnecessarily slow. One time I almost got ran over by a semi because dude infront of me on a merging ramp decided to go 50 mph on a 80mph flow highway.

  12. ACAB!!!! It doesn't matter what cops do because NO MATTER what, they can't help but act like tyrants and bullies all the time, so cops WILL ALWAYS CONTINUE to erode the public trust, wherever public trust in law enforcement still exists!!!

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